SECTION 3 By: Sara, Jonissa, Jakob, Max and Beck.


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Presentation transcript:

SECTION 3 By: Sara, Jonissa, Jakob, Max and Beck

TERMS  Interchangeable parts- are parts that are for practical purposes identical  An organized association of workers, often in a trade or profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests  A refusal to work organized by a body of employees as a form of protest, typically in an attempt to gain a concession or concessions

ERIE CANAL  Big part in transportation  Provided a way for goods to travel to different places  Provided jobs for people

ROADS AND TURNPIKES  1806 the nation took first steps toward transportation  Congress funded the building of major east-west highway  The national road in 1811 laborers started cutting the road bed westward from the Potomac River at Cumberland, Maryland

STEAM BOATS AND CANALS  Rivers offered a faster, more efficient, and cheaper way to move goods than did roads  The steam boast changed all of that  In 1807 Robert Fulton and T. Robert R. Livingston stunned the nation when the Clermont chugged 150 miles from New York to Albany

THE “IRON HORSE”  Another mode of transportation was railroads  Peter cooper built an American engine based on the ones developed in great Britain  1930 coopers tiny but powerful locomotive Tom Thump pulled the first load of passengers

NEW SYSTEM OF PRODUCTIONS  A new revolution occurred in business and industry  The industrial revolution  This began in Britain in the middle 1700s

INDUSTRIALIZATION SWEEPS THE NORTH  Industry developed quickly in the united states in the early 1800s  This happened for several reasons  The most important factor was the free enterprise

TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES  A wave of inventions and technological innovations spurred the nation’s industrial growth  Eli Whitney popularized the concept of interchangeable parts  Changed gun making from the one by one process into a factory process

RISE OF LARGE CITIES  Industrialization of the united states led to a lot of people looking for factory jobs  Looked for higher wages  Made workers go up to 1.3 million by 1860

WORKERS BEGIN TO ORGANIZE  Industrial boom created a new source of labor  The factory worker  Ones with higher wages  Cities populations doubled even tripled in size

ROADS, CANALS, AND RAILROADS  view of lock port in New York on the Erie Canal


THE FAMILY FARM  Even though industries and cities expanded in 1800  Agriculture remained the countries leading economic activity  Farming employed more people and produced more than other workers