Shrewsbury High School Athletic Department Consideration March 21, 2012
Overview Shrewsbury High School offer a diverse range of sports for the student body averaging athletes per season. 34 different sports, which account for 60 teams and approximately 681 contests each year. Athletic Fee is $290/Sport with a family cap of $870. Families that qualify for Free/Reduced lunch pay $25/sport with a $75 family cap. Less than.005% of the appropriated budget goes towards athletics
Projected Athletic Department Cost –FY13 $657,528 Athletic Director Salary$96,482 Insurance$3,536 R & M Equipment and Reconditioning$15,000 Doctor Fees$900 Professional Development$1,500 Facility Rental$35,000 Dues/Membership$12,000 Uniforms and Equipment$17,000 Gameday Expenses$14,000 Transportation$103,150 Coaches Salaries$281,067 Officials$33,893 Athletic Trainer Contracted Services$40,000 Athletic Medical Supplies$4,000 TOTAL$657,528
Sources of Funds
Considerations to close gap The main considerations that we focused on include: Increasing the Athletic Fee Eliminating the Family Cap Increasing the fee for families who qualify for Free/Reduced lunch and requiring a larger fee for Reduced families. Charging an additional $190 Facilities Fee for Boys Hockey and Girls and Boys Swimming to compensate for the cost of renting these facilities (due to its club status, Girls Hockey participants self fund their entire program).
Considerations on Athletic Fee FeeProjected Revenue assuming 1,014 full paying Additional Projected Revenue if No Family Cap (63 athletes) Additional Projected Revenue Free (39) paying $50/Sport Additional Projected Revenue Reduced (97) paying $100/Sport Additional Projected Revenue if Hockey & Swimming (70) pay additional $190 Total Projected Revenue if No Family Cap and Revised Free/Reduced Current Fee (no change) $290$294,060 $975 (assum es current $25) $2,425 (assumes current $25) $296,485 Current Fee$290$294,060$18,270$1,950$9,700$13,300$337,280 Increase $5$295$299,130$18,585$1,950$9,700$13,300$342,665 Increase $10$300$304,200$18,900$1,950$9,700$13,300$348,050 Increase $15$305$309,270$19,215$1,950$9,700$13,300$353,435 Increase $20$310$314,340$19,530$1,950$9,700$13,300$358,820 Increase $25$315$319,410$19,845$1,950$9,700$13,300$364,205 Increase $30$320$324,480$20,160$1,950$9,700$13,300$369,590 Increase $35$325$329,550$20,475$1,950$9,700$13,300$374,975
Conclusion The current funding structure for athletics is not sufficient to support the athletic program. With the cost of transportation, equipment and facility rentals rising, we will need to increase rates or reduce programming. However, participation may drop because families are not willing to pay. Ultimately, we may be forced into looking at the undesirable possibilities of eliminating portions of the program and/or eliminating transportation to games/events. If the maximum fee illustrated above were adopted it would generate an additional $76,040 from the current revenue projections, just about covering the projected shortfall.
Questions and Comments Shrewsbury High School Athletic Department Consideration March 21, 2012