Data Retreat Process Principal’s Mid-Year Report Pat Dillon, Co-principal Napoleon Community Schools Napoleon High School MATH Goal area
Goal: The HS Math Dept. will improve Math scores based on the ACT college readiness standards as measured by the ACT PLAN/MME (ACT) for freshman class of 2008 so that: 95% of the indentified non-economically disadvantaged students not at standard, measured by the ACT Explore Math, will be at or above standard as measured by the ACT Plan test Spring of the 10th grade year (May 2010) 65% of the identified economically disadvantaged students not at standard, measured by the ACT Explore Math, will be at or above standard as measured by the ACT Plan Test Spring of 10th grade year (by May 2010)
Objective 1: Teaching for Learning – Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment Identified math teachers will use interventions/re- teaching strategies, during STAR period, to increase student performance on identified math strands. Resources Needed (cost, materials, staff, time, etc.) TimelinePerson Responsible/ Persons Involved Evidence of Success Tasks/Action Steps:Start Date End Date 1. Identify target students (In process)Time8/22/08 Julie RobertsCompiled list of students not at ACT Standard in math on ACT Explore 2. Discuss with identified math instructors the changes and expectations Time8/24/08 Pat Dillon Carl Bunker Julie Roberts Ray Pratt Wendy Crocker* Teachers taking indentified students during STAR period for additional math support 3. Make changes in student schedules to accommodate the STAR changes Time8/27/088/28/09Pam Watts Julie Roberts Reassign identified students to targeted STAR classes. Print new class schedules
Objective 2: Leadership – What is your school ’ s objective to improve leadership so that the school ’ s environment is collaborative, purposeful and has a positive effect on student learning to achieve of your improvement goal? The building will provide time and support for identified teachers to work on identified intervention for freshman mathematics Resources Needed (cost, materials, staff, time, etc.)) TimelinePerson Responsible/ Persons Involved Evidence of Success Tasks/Action Steps:Start Date End Date 1. Provide PLC time for identified instructors to identify, plan, and implement instructional strategies based on data Time8/24/085/13/09Carl Bunker Wendy Crocker Ray Pratt Common Planning meetings monthly
Objective 5: Data and Information Management What is your school ’ s objective to improve your school ’ s system for managing data and information in order to inform decisions to improve student achievement? We will utilize relevant data to inform classroom instruction and assessment to improve student achievement on identified standard assessments. Resources Needed (cost, materials, staff, time, etc.) TimelinePerson Responsible/ Persons Involved Tasks/Action Steps:Start Date End Date Analyzing 8 th grade Explore dataTime Data 8/2008On goingJulie Roberts Pat Dillon Chip Bunker Math Department Analyzing 9 h grade ACT Workkeys dataTime Data 4/2009On goingJulie Roberts Pat Dillon Chip Bunker Math Department Analyzing 10 th grade PLAN dataTime Data ACT Linkage Reports 12/2009On goingJulie Roberts Pat Dillon Chip Bunker Math Department Analyzing 11 th grade Michigan Merit Exam (ACT, Work Keys, Michigan Items) Time Data Linkage Reports 8/2008On goingJulie Roberts Pat Dillon Chip Bunker Math Department
Additional Info & Evidence: NHS has embarked on creating common midterm and trimester exams via ExamView software A post-assessment reflection process is in place with scripted question to analyze that data (sample questions & summary report) This year we have 9 th & 10 th grade Focused-Star classes for remediation in Math & Reading Comprehension (the grade- level teams switch, 2 days math/2 days RC) Teachers also have Education 2020 at their disposal for remediation and we will be considering borrowing NW’s idea of “Course Extension” in the near future We also started a homework-detention policy
*Post-assessment reflection questions for departments & individuals: What trends/tendencies do the results tell us within our department? Within our own classrooms? How do we account for this? What will we do differently next time as a department? As an individual classroom teacher? What will we or have we done to insure these assessments are “FOR” learning, rather than “OF” learning? (did we go over the assessment and explain the “why” of each answer?) Have we considered checking-for-understanding of the corrected student-misconceptions from #6? What will we do? Will this allow for grade-improvement opportunities? Will we collect some kind of data to be assured the post- assessment remediation ‘took’?
Evidence of Action Options for Evidence : Achievement Data with Analysis – pretests, unit tests, state/national tests, other assessments Teachers report much more homework-completion and fewer failure rates. First year of midterms & homework detention, data not yet reliable. Still need further formal assessments to compare (Linkage Reports)
What’s Next? What specific Action Steps from your plan still need to occur to implement EACH objective to the original expectations designed in the plan?Administer ACT, analyze linkage reports What ADDITIONAL Action Steps need to be added to your plan and occur so that EACH objective is implemented to ensure the success of the student goal?None What revisions or expansions may need to occur to the objectives?We’ve been remediating current assignments (Alg. I), but the “math-base” is still not there. Somehow we need to have that base built before they get to HS that is ACT- based, not MEAP-based.