Metro State College of Denver
Metro State enrolls students in Elementary Spanish and approximately students in Intermediate Spanish each semester. no physical language lab high performance expectations for students and faculty many students are non-traditional; about 40% of the student population transfers in from local community colleges Most students work and have family responsibilities in addition to taking classes constraints of time and moneyon the part of the student and the collegeare a constant consideration
MySpanishLab Designed to support the unique technology needs of language learning in traditional face-to-face, hybrid and fully online environments one user interface across multiple technologies with all functionality and course materials in one place can be used as is or highly customized to meet institutional or instructor needs Over 400 institutions and 150,000 students using MySpanishLab, My FrenchLab or MyItalianLab in less that 2.5 years
Impact of MySpanishLab at Metro State Improved learner efficiency and learning support Enhanced self-directed learning Improved instructor efficiency Greater cost savings Improved performance
Improved learner efficiency Calendar with alarm clocks indicate assigned items After a student clicks on date on calendar, all assignments for that day appear in a list Language classes have many daily assignments --a calendar view of assignments creates a learning path
Learner efficiency, critical thinking, life-long learning skills Students type in their answers and submit for grading
Learner efficiency, critical thinking, life-long learning skills Correct answers have green checkmarks Wrong answers have red Xs and a feedback bubble. Students can click on wrong-answer feedback bubble. The feedback bubbles provide questions to help students think critically about what the right answer should be. Theoretically motiveated, students get feedback and help while processing the information.
Learner efficiency, critical thinking, life-long learning skills Links to multiple resources provide students with specific on-point help These are not general resourceseach item was selected because it relates to the topic being practiced in the activity.
Learner efficiency, critical thinking, life-long learning skills Correct answers are shown after the 3 rd attempt When the correct answer is shown is controlled by the instructoras are all other preference settings in MySpanishLab. This allows the instructor or coordinator to alter the functionality to meet the needs of learners in that particular setting.
Learner efficiency, critical thinking, life-long learning skills Seamless integration of third- party applications (Wimba Pronto, Wimba Voice tools, Flashcards, soccer game, etc.) and all MySpanishLab course materials with one User Interface.
Personalized learning A personalized study plan with interactive tutorials is created for each student, based on the students responses to the questions on the pre-test. The pre-tests are chapter Readiness Checks, developed in response to a need instructors expressed
Instructor efficiency A set of alerts and to-do fields makes managing all aspects of the course easier for instructors. For example, items that need to be graded are posted here for grading…no need to search for the activity in the gradebook.
Making assignments is a snap Language instructors or course coordinators often make 6, 8, 10 or more assignments for each class day. Making assignments in other systems is labor intensive. In MySpanishLab, the instructor selects the activities to be assigned (1), clicks the day on the calendar (2) and clicks Add to selected day (3). An alarm clock on the calendar indicates that there is one or more assignments on that day.
Add own content and assign Instructors can add their own materials, links, html pages and so forth to the course and assign them to the calendar as well.
Tools for successRobust Content with Robust Functionality
Why MySpanishLab? Faculty at Metro State College of Denver note the following advantages of MySpanishLab: Everything in one place Delivery of quality Spanish courses at satellite campuses Customizable Program Coordinator can ensure uniformity of course across all sections Are able to use the same program for face-to-face, hybrid and fully online classes Ability to hold students more accountable for their learning
Cost savings All of the course materials in MySpanishLab, when sold individually, cost approximately $300. When purchased with a new text, MySpanishLab costs students $30 for 24- month access.
Improved grades
Summary MySpanishLab is a 21st-century teaching and learning resource that helps students to lay the foundation for critical thinking and the development of lifelong learning skills. This tool efficiently meets the needs of students, instructors, and institutions by personalizing the learning process, enhancing self-directed learning, and stimulating increased global student success.