Tourism in Madhya Pradesh: - Pilgrimage - Heritage - Cultural (Recreation and Leisure) - Adventure - Economic (Nature and Wildlife) - Rural
Sustainable Tourism – Poverty Alleviation 7 mechanisms suggested by UNWTO: 7 mechanisms suggested by UNWTO: 1. Employment of the poor in tourism enterprise; 2. Supply of goods and services to tourism enterprises by the poor or by enterprises employing the poor; 3. Direct sales of goods and services to visitors by the poor (informal economy);
4. Establishment and running of tourism enterprises by the poor - e.g. micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs), or community based enterprises (formal economy); 5. Tax or levy on tourism income or profits with proceeds benefiting the poor; 6. Voluntary giving / support by tourism enterprises and tourists; 7. Investment in infrastructure stimulated by tourism also benefiting the poor in the locality, directly or through support to other sectors.
PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP To overcome infrastructure bottlenecks to hasten infrastructure development Government provides the statutory/administrative backup to infrastructure projectsGovernment provides the statutory/administrative backup to infrastructure projects Private sector provides finances and manages these projectsPrivate sector provides finances and manages these projects
TOURISM – PPP BENEFITS develop new destinations develop new destinations provide / augment necessary amenities provide / augment necessary amenities preservation of heritage sites preservation of heritage sites promotion and marketing of destinations promotion and marketing of destinations
PPP SEGMENTS Infrastructure improvement; Infrastructure improvement; provision of support services and equipment; provision of support services and equipment; Information dissemination and marketing; Information dissemination and marketing; Training/capacity building of personnel (e.g. in eco-tourism areas) Training/capacity building of personnel (e.g. in eco-tourism areas) Civil Societies management and organizational development Civil Societies management and organizational development
Role of Government Enabling policy formulation; Legislative and institutional reforms; Administrative capacity building; Identification of thrust areas / projects; Identification of thrust areas / projects; Risk assessment and mitigation; Risk assessment and mitigation; Project clearance; Project clearance; Ensure transparency and welfare; Ensure transparency and welfare;
Private partner’s responsibilities Efficient project management; Corporate and social responsibility; Ecological sustainability;
Sourcing finances Project development funds Public equity participation Viability gap funding (20% - 40%) Financial institutions Funding mechanisms Funding mechanisms
so let’s set the ball rolling….