Acuity STAR Faculty Members
Acuity STAR for Clinical Faculty Development Workshop Author: Paul Malcomson Date Created: August 2013 Last Update: July 2015 Course Duration: 1 Hour Target Audience: Faculty Members
Acuity STAR Faculty Members Presenter Disclosure Presenter: Paul Malcomson, PMP I disclose that I have no commercial interests whatsoever with this course including: – Grants/Research Support: none – Speaker Bureau/Honoraria: none – Consulting Fees: none – Other: none
Acuity STAR Faculty Members Disclosure of Commercial Support This program has not received any commercial support of any sort from any organization This program has not received any in-kind support of any sort from any organization There is no perceived or potential conflict of interest for Paul Malcomson, PMP for delivery of this program material
Acuity STAR Faculty Members Mitigating Potential Bias There is no need to mitigate any potential bias for this course.
Acuity STAR Faculty Members Session Goals By the end of today’s session you should know: 1. How STAR fits into Schulich operations 2. How to access STAR from anywhere 3. How to navigate through the STAR menus 4. How to generate STAR Reports 5. How to enter some common activities 6. Some tips and tricks for ensuring data completeness
Acuity STAR Faculty Members Acuity STAR Interfaces Acuity STAR Other CFPC PubMed SAS One45 Grants Database RCPSC CCV
Acuity STAR Faculty Members Acuity STAR Reports CDP Support ARC Performance Acuity STAR Department MBP/PBR Annual / Research Report Departmental Funding Promotion Documents Professional CV
Acuity STAR Faculty Members Logging Into STAR Install Firefox if it is not already on your computer. 2.Google: UWO STAR 3.Add these two sites to your bookmarks 4.Disable Pop-Up Blocker for the STAR application 5.Check with your STAR Coordinator if you need a password
Acuity STAR Faculty Members Navigation Demo Acuity STAR Faculty Members
STAR Reports Acuity STAR Faculty Members
STAR Reports Biographical Sketch Department of Psychiatry MBR (Psychiatry only) SSMD Professional CV SSMD Promotion CV (APCV) SSMD Teaching Dossier (APTD) Abbreviated CV
Acuity STAR Faculty Members STAR Common Activities Acuity STAR Faculty Members
Common Activities 1. Program Teaching – UME, PME, CME 2. Supervision and Mentoring – include names 3. Publications – use PubMed 4. Presentations – includes teaching outside of Schulich 5. Grants and Clinical Funding 6. Peer Review Activities 7. Administrative Committees (task force, working group etc) 8. Maintenance of Certification
Acuity STAR Faculty Members Common Activities Program Teaching Continuing, Undergraduate, and Postgraduate Course activities are defined by Department Total hours are calculated Use Academic Year for repeated activities Admin means course or curriculum development
Acuity STAR Faculty Members Common Activities Supervision Vs. Mentoring Student / Faculty Name is mandatory Supervision can be when you have an active role in reviewing performance – Formal; Research based Mentoring can be either a faculty to faculty process OR mentoring a group of students – Less formal Tip: if you Supervise Residents, Fellows or Observerships they should go under Program Teaching
Acuity STAR Faculty Members Common Activities Publications Use PubMed ID for accurate citation information Role – principal author, senior responsible author, co-author… Peer Reviewed publication Presentations Presentation Type, Activity Type and Role Visiting Professor and Invited Lecturer both appear on the Teaching Dossier
Acuity STAR Faculty Members Common Activities Abstracts Both published and presented will print in Abstracts section on CV Presentations – Abstract Presented – Poster Presented Publication – Published Abstract (conference proceedings)
Acuity STAR Faculty Members Common Activities Grants and Clinical Funding Date, Status, PI, Co-PI, Short Title, Amount and Application Summary are all required You can prorate $ across multiple years Complete as much information as possible Schulich would like to see Grant Status: – Applied (The grant application has been submitted for review) – Declined (This grant was approved / awarded but it was declined by the applicant) – Funded (This grant was approved / awarded) – Not-Funded (The grant was approved but funding was not available) – Rejected (The grant application was rejected)
Acuity STAR Faculty Members Common Activities Administrative Committees Tracks the working groups or committees you are part of Working Group, Task Force, Committee etc. Main Activities and Contribution show your impact to the committee Allocate hours per year
Acuity STAR Faculty Members Common Activities Maintenance of Certification Captures all activities that can be claimed by either the Royal College or CFPC Scan and upload PDF copies of your credits
Acuity STAR Faculty Members STAR Tips & Tricks Acuity STAR Faculty Members
Acuity STAR Portal
Acuity STAR Faculty Members Monthly Update Tracker Print double sided Legal paper Frequent activities All required fields
Acuity STAR Faculty Members Last Modified Each data grid has two fields, Last Modified User and Last Modified Date Quickly locate who made changes and when Useful to sort (down arrow) on Modified Date
Acuity STAR Faculty Members Database Audit
Acuity STAR Faculty Members Data Entry Wizard
Acuity STAR Faculty Members Tips for Complete Data DO Clone records from data grid OR Save/Clone Geographic Scope – Sponsoring organization, not the physical location Span dates across Academic Year Use STAR monthly update form Contact STAR coordinator Do NOT Use the ‘* Other – please specify’ values (Wherever Possible) Use acronyms (ATLC, UWO, etc.)
Acuity STAR Faculty Members Review Have we covered these knowledge areas?: 1. How STAR fits into Schulich operations 2. How to access STAR from anywhere 3. How to navigate through the STAR menus 4. How to generate STAR Reports 5. How to enter some common activities 6. Some tips and tricks for ensuring data completeness
Acuity STAR Faculty Members