5 th Grade Open House September 5, 2013
Departmentalization Allows teachers to teach to their strengths Students benefit from a “Dig Deep” approach Encourages organization and responsibility
Who teaches what? Reading – all of us Math – Mrs. Spencer Social Studies – Ms. Jandreau Science – Mrs. Styles Language Arts – Crosscurricular
Wolf “PACK” Expectations Be Prepared Be Attentive Be Careful Be Kind
FCAT 2.0 for 5 th Graders Reading Science Math – computerized this year! Students do not need a passing score for promotion Middle School will use scores for placement in remedial, regular, or advanced classes
What kind of test is FCAT 2.0? The FCAT 2.0 is a criterion- referenced test (CRT), which measures how well students are meeting the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards in reading, mathematics, and science.Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
What does FCAT 2.0 test? The FCAT 2.0 Reading tests contain passages (articles, stories, and poems) from books, magazines, and other publications. Students are expected to read and analyze the passages and answer questions based on the passages. These passages have a high text complexity. The FCAT 2.0 Mathematics tests require students to solve numerical problems taken from real-life situations. The FCAT 2.0 Science tests require students to apply science knowledge and concepts to real- world situations.
Reading at a Glance Words & Phrases in Context meaning of words in context word analysis Main Idea, Plot & Purpose main idea supporting details chronological order author’s purpose in a simple text plot development & conflict resolution Comparisons & Cause/Effect use of comparison & contrast cause & effect relationships similarities & differences among characters, settings, events Reference & Research organization & interpretation of information
Math at a Glance Number sense identifies +, -, x, /, & knows what they do determines estimates knows how numbers are represented & used Measurement recognizes measurements & units of measurement compares, contrasts, & converts measurements Geometry describes, draws, identifies, & analyzes two- & three-dimensional shapes visualizes and illustrates changes in shape uses coordinate geometry Algebra describes, analyzes, & generalizes patterns, relations, & functions writes and uses expressions, equations, inequalities, graphs, & forumulas Data Analysis organizes, interprets, & analyzes data identifies patterns & makes predictions, inferences, & valid conclusions uses probability & statistics
Science at a Glance Physical & Chemical Sciences describes matter & its properties identifies atoms, elements, mixtures, & compounds explains energy, its forms & interaction with matter explains motion & identifies force Earth & Space Sciences explains weather systems recognizes rocks & minerals describes the solar system & universe explains Earth’s changes over time Life & Environmental Sciences identifies & explains plants, animals, & life processes recognizes the importance of conservation of natural resources describes the interactions of plants, animals, & the environment Scientific Thinking applies scientific approaches to problem solving recognizes patterns & systems within nature recognizes the impact of technology on society
Achievement Levels Level 5 - This student has success with the most challenging content Level 4 This student has success with the challenging content Level 3 This student has partial success with the challenging content (on grade level) Level 2 This student has limited success with the challenging content (passing) Level 1 This student has little success with the challenging content
Homework Spelling – nightly; Students are assigned a number from their “Spelling Activities” sheet. This sheet can be found in their priority folder. Math – nightly; Math review. Science/Social Studies – occasionally; Especially when a test/quiz is scheduled. Reading – 20 min. most nights/100 minutes each week Projects - 1 Book Report/9 weeks 1 Social Studies Project/9 weeks Science Fair Projects due in January
5 th Grade Grading Policies Math and Reading: 10% of grade will be Mini-Benchmark Assessments 90% of the grade will be tests/quizes/labs/projects etc. AR – Goals based on STAR Reading Level, one grade/9 weeks, average test score OR percentage of points earned (whichever is higher). School wide policy. Language Arts: 10% of grade will be spelling 90% of the grade will be writing/grammar/project Science and Social Studies No weights
Poor Grades 1 st 9 Weeks: - Assignments receiving a “D” or “F” will be retested - New Grade will be no higher than a 70% 2 nd 9 Weeks: - Drop the lowest grade for each subject
eSembler Your child’s grade book Start an account with an address and your child’s student number (on old report card or see me) Can have updates ed daily or log on when ever you’d like to
Staying Connected Teacher Web site Class News Letters Priority Folder/Agenda
Progress Reports/Report Cards 1 st 9 weeks – 9/18 and 10/30 2 nd 9 weeks – 12/2 and 1/29 3 rd 9 weeks – 2/20 and 4/9 4 th 9 weeks – 5/5 and mailed
How can I help my child be successful? Make sure your child attends school regularly. The more effort your child puts into learning, the more successful he/she will be. Attend parent/teacher conferences. Speak positively about us to your child. Encourage your child, especially when he or she does well. A positive outlook helps children do their best. Provide a quiet, comfortable place for studying at home.
How can I help my child be successful? Make sure that your child is well rested on school days, especially on test days. Give your child a well-rounded diet. This will help ensure a healthy body and a healthy, active mind. Provide books and magazines for your child. Non-fictions texts are the hardest and MOST important! Check your child’s homework and projects. Hold them accountable for following directions AND being neat!
We are a team! Please know that……. - We are in this together! - We love your children and want them to be successful! - We don’t mind hearing from you! It is NEVER a bother! - We have high expectations because we KNOW what amazing children we spend our days with! We ARE a team!