From concept to contract The origins of MERiFIC and the importance of its delivery.


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Presentation transcript:

from concept to contract The origins of MERiFIC and the importance of its delivery

From concept to contract … the origins of MERiFIC and the importance of its delivery background raison d’être process partnership delivery expectations local relevance national relevance international relevance

Protocol of co-operation framework to work together on issues of common interest 2010/11 - action plan focusing on four key themes for joint working (i) sustainable development (ii) tourism (iii) culture (iv) inward investment

marine areas

Why is Marine Energy important to Cornwall & Finistère? Cornwall & Finistère are both exposed to the Atlantic and have significant wave, wind and tidal resources Both Cornwall Council & the Conseil général du Finistère have identified the use of their natural resources to produce energy to support their sustainable development – with social, environmental and economic benefits for communities & businesses Both Cornwall & Finistère face many of the same issues relating to the development of marine energy Both Cornwall & Finistère have international expertise in institutes, agencies, universities and businesses

“Think about the movement of the waves, the ebb and flow, the to-and-fro motion of the tides, the ocean is a vast amount of lost power” Victor Hugo in his novel Ninety-Three. (1887)

concept 2008 Marine energy development identified as an issue of joint relevance to Cornwall & Finistère September 2009 Proposal first discussed during Conseil général du Finistère delegation to Cornwall March 2010 Concept and work packages consolidated at political level during Cornwall Council delegation to Finistère Cross Border / Atlantique Partnership Working MER DE LA MANCHE

Interreg programme 4-1 France (Channel) - England Priority 4 objective: Ensure a sustainable environmental development of the common space Specific objective 9: Promote renewable energies

MERiFIC development Proposed work packages agreed by partners including: Technology Support (WP3) Resource assessment & mapping Environmental impacts & knowledge exchange Test facilities - dynamic behaviour of marine energy devices Marine operation Policy issues (WP4) Policy and regulatory frameworks Application of support instruments Safety risk assessment Sustainable Economic Development (WP5) Supply chain development – Procurement code of practice Skills development Economic Development Strategy Structural stimulation of the marine energy sector Infrastructure and Ports Stakeholder Engagement (WP6) Reviewing and sharing best practice Developing & trialing new methods

partners Strategic Cornwall Council Conseil général du Finistère Agence Economique de Bretagne Parc Naturel Marin d’Iroise Technical Pôle Mer Technopole Brest Iroise Cornwall Marine Network Academic University of Exeter University of Plymouth IFREMER

objectives Share engineering know how, policy and good practice Produce a tool-kit to share the knowledge Encourage business opportunities – develop the supply chain Promote marine energy and engage with communities

marine energy on the periphery of Europe. « Comment l’Union Européenne peut-elle, à travers ses politiques, faire en sorte que les innovations technologiques en énergies maritimes, bénéficient de façon croissante aux Régions périphériques maritimes? » NATIONAL MARITIME MUSEUM Falmouth Cornwall 22 & 23 octobre 2009

Conference of Peripheral & Maritime Regions (CPMR) 1st Marine Energy Seminar Falmouth 2009

Peripheral regions (such as Cornwall & Finistère) have a major role in delivering the pathway from technology development to the commercialisation of marine energy Falmouth Wave Hub Peninsula Research Institute of Marine Renewable Energy from catalysts & Hayle Wave Hub Businesses A&P Falmouth Seacore Fugro Mojo Maritime MOR group to deliveryFabTest

of wider importance….. Ocean energy has the potential to satisfy 10% of the European electricity demand, and in some countries, such as the UK, wave and tidal resources can even provide 15-20% of national demand. It is clear that such considerable asset should not be neglected if we want to meet the EU’s carbon reduction goals, which are due to become gradually more stringent, as well as to strengthen the Union’s energy security. “Marine energy development raises the hope of transforming many maritime peripheries from being energy dependent to being energy producers, making them at least more energy self-sufficient, at best exporters” CPMR Energy Working group Seminar, Falmouth 2009

economic strategy create a positive marine energy business environment through peripheral regions’ ability to combine marine energy resource with ports, grid and commercial and technology pathways to commercialisation economic gain potential: including local business, supply chain & skills development determine the process that is necessary for peripheral regions such as Cornwall & Finistère to help achieve investment in the burgeoning marine energy industry develop new technology development combining the strategic function with that of local institutes and universities

South West Marine Energy Park Energy Resources Infrastructure Commercial roadmap Low cost supply chain Base for business & Innovation Grid Access to global markets Market Incentives Skills and People Enterprise zones Stakeholder engagement Industry clusters Project support Technology pathway National policy National bodies Collaboration across UK Access to finance Ports De-risk planning Pathway to the commercialisation of the industry. Remove barriers

developing the technology and commercialising the industry Plymouth Falmouth Hayle Appledore Portland

contract April 2011 Approval of the MERiFiC Interreg 4-1 ERDF funding TODAY Official launch Tomorrow: Meeting of partners to finalise work package delivery arrangements June 2014 End of project with reports, strategy and tool-kit sign-off.