The Ohio Conservation GIS Project (OCGIS) Aaron Lantz Soil Information Coordinator ODNR Division of Soil & Water Conservation 2008 Ohio GIS Conference September 10-12, 2008 Crowne Plaza North Hotel Columbus, Ohio
Ohio’s Conservation Partnership Division of Soil & Water Conservation Ohio Federation of Soil & Water Conservation Districts Ohio’s 88 SWCDs CWA 319 Watershed Groups
Division of Soil & Water Conservation “Provide leadership and services that enable Ohioans to conserve, protect, and enhance soil, water, and land resources."
continues to grow in importance Bio-fuels Gulf Hypoxia Water supply Climate change
OCGIS Web-based enterprise GIS For Ohio’s Conservation partners and their customers planning, design, and evaluation of site-specific natural resource conservation projects.
OCGIS needs to be Data Rich EasyEconomical
OCGIS Functionality Basic Basic MeasureMeasure BufferBuffer DownloadDownload Change displayChange display QueryQuery Zoom toZoom to Elevation and slopeElevation and slope And moreAnd more
OCGIS and DATA FederalStateLocal
Soil Attribute Data includes... Agricultural Data Agricultural Data land capabilityland capability crop yieldscrop yields pasture yieldspasture yields soil managementsoil management prime farmlandprime farmland hydric soilshydric soils Forestry Data Forestry Data woodland productivitywoodland productivity management concernsmanagement concerns trees to planttrees to plant Recreational Development Recreational Development Wildlife Habitat Wildlife Habitat Building Site Development Building Site Development Sanitary Facilities Sanitary Facilities septic tank absorption fields sanitary landfills Construction Materials Construction Materials
Soil Attribute Data includes... Water Management Water Management limitations forlimitations for ponds ponds embankments, dikes & levees embankments, dikes & levees features affectingfeatures affecting drainage drainage terraces terraces grass waterways grass waterways Engineering Properties Engineering Properties USDA Texture Unified Classification AASHTO Classification Particle Size Distribution Liquid Limit Plasticity Index
Soil Attribute Data includes... Physical & Chemical Soil Properties Physical & Chemical Soil Properties clay, silt, sandclay, silt, sand rock fragmentsrock fragments bulk densitybulk density permeabilitypermeability available water capacityavailable water capacity soil reactionsoil reaction shrink-swell potentialshrink-swell potential soil erodibility factors - “K” & “T”soil erodibility factors - “K” & “T” wind erodibility groupwind erodibility group organic matterorganic matter Soil & Water Features Soil & Water Features hydrologic group flooding hazard frequency duration months high water table depth months bedrock depth & hardness potential frost action risk of corrosion concrete uncoated steel
OCGIS Core Tools Summary Reports BMP Queries For Conservation
Recreation Areas Points of Interest Bedrock Geology Aerial Ortho Well Logs 25,000 pts State Boundaries Drift Thickness Land use Land cover EPA stream and watershed info Statistical area boundaries State Boundary Land use Land cover Q.H.E.I. USDA Districts County Boundaries Ohio Wetland Inventory Attainment Status for Streams USDA offices Incorporated Area Boundaries Protected Conservation Areas CLU CRP/CREP USDA Service Centers Major Streams Water Chemistry Data for Streams Several vintages of Aerial imagery DRGS all scales? Scenic Rivers C.A.U.V. National Hydrogrophy dataset Aerial Lakes, Ponds & Reservoirs Soil point data Flood Data Transportation Park & Recreational Areas Soil point data SSURGO Soils Zones Ohio Trails Active Rail Census Data Superfund?????? ODNR Lands airports Topo Maps contours10. 50, 250 Watershed HUCS Boundaries Rare Plants and animals Interstates SSURGO Soils ODA Info Township Boundaries State Highways Land Cover Farmland Preservation Areas Rail lines US Highways Hill shade CAFO Locations Roads Municipal Roads Precipitation County Ag data Municipal County Roads Geographic Names School Districts State Federal land geologic Aquifers* County Teleatlas??? Karst Geology OSIP imagery Parks in Urban areas Quaternary (glacial) Geology OSIP processed Lidar
Area Summary (buffer and user defined) Population =353 Population =353 Average age= 44 Average age= 44 Stream miles = 1.26 Stream miles = 1.26 Ag Land = 1,453 acres Ag Land = 1,453 acres Urban land = 4 acres Urban land = 4 acres Hydric soil = 1.3 acres Hydric soil = 1.3 acres School = Olentangy School = Olentangy Number of wells = 9 Number of wells = 9 Bedrock = Shale Bedrock = Shale Glacial Geo = moraine Glacial Geo = moraine Wind direct = SW Wind direct = SW Average temp = 60 Average temp = 60 Frost depth = 3ft Frost depth = 3ft Scenic rivers = 0 Scenic rivers = 0
BMP Queries
Keeping it Economical Data collection (Arc GIS Server) Ease of updating /adding OCGIS administrator
DSWC Administrator Adding/updating data Local data mgt. Updating tools Creating new tools
On to the future Google and Virtual Earth Google and Virtual Earth Display a users Shapefiles Display a users Shapefiles Watershed delineation Watershed delineation User level custom report User level custom report Draw tools Draw tools Layer creation Layer creation
Project Status MOU/RFP? MOU/RFP? Data inventory Data inventory Ohio SWC Commission Ohio SWC Commission OWDA Grant OWDA Grant Potential partners, advisors, collaborators ODA, Ohio EPA, OSU, ILGARD, OGRIP, Case Western, ODNR-Geo Survey, Trust for Public Lands. NRCS, SWCD GIS User Group, Watershed Planners. Federation of SWCDs Potential partners, advisors, collaborators ODA, Ohio EPA, OSU, ILGARD, OGRIP, Case Western, ODNR-Geo Survey, Trust for Public Lands. NRCS, SWCD GIS User Group, Watershed Planners. Federation of SWCDs