Why? The EC COM (2001) 172 final initiative following the conclusions of the Lisbon European Council states the importance of ICT at European level due to the increasingly proeminent place in both occupational life and in people’s day-to-day lives. the knowledge and access to these Information Technologies are essential for enhancing the employability rate the importance of initial ICT training at high schools and University level is stressed, along with the importance of lifelong learning and adult learning.
Why? The Action Plan devised by the EC comprises four lines of actions: infrastructure development training high-quality multimedia services and dialogue cooperation at all levels of all Member States and Candidates. The project addresses directly all these lines of actions.
Partners Promoter Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania ( Materials Technology and Welding Department ) Partners: – SILABO – Laboratorio per la Societ à dell ’ Informazione, Italy – SISTEMI E SERVIZI S.R.L., Italy – Computer Literacy t Centre at the Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania – MECB – MacDAC Engineering Consultancy Bureau, Malta – XGran t, The Netherlands
Objectives Develop specific models of "self-sustainable ECDL CAD training/testing centre" related with the specific organisational, professional, didactical, economics contexts of every Partner Development of the Romanian Technological Infrastructure for the experimentation of the Model and the System for the Centre. The infrastructure will be put near the centre of the Promoter and it will have a series of technologies of development e/o fruition near the centres of the other partners, also for the experimentation of the products of distance formation. Design and print of ECDL CAD manuals needed for the training/testing process (manuals with ISBN, approved and accredited by ECDL), in two languages: Romanian and English
Objectives Disseminating and valorisation of results and good practices street CDs, leaflets, brochures, ECDL CAD manuals with ISBN (in at least two languages: Romanian and English), website Take necessary steps to ensure that Welding Technology and Engineering students will study CAD concepts after the new ECDL analytical curricula (with optional awarding of ECDL CAD certificates by request) at the Promoter level Take necessary steps to ensure that students will study CAD concepts after the new ECDL analytical curricula (with optional awarding of ECDL CAD certificates by request) at the level of every Partner of the project consortium, as an improvement in initial training
Objectives Expertise share with other EU partners with recognized competence in the area of the project Address a fine-sectorial need of great demand of qualified people with IT skills and competences (medium level) Equal opportunities with regards to the employment chances and promote of young graduates; equal opportunities for both man and women Design and implementation of VET and eVET products for pilot courses based on the ECDL CAD syllabus, in two languages: Romanian and English; the eVET contents published in to specific and-Learning Platform
Objectives Ensure that ECDL distance learning is an option for people most at a disadvantage in the labour market, including disabled people Covering new qualifications and skills required by the labour market due to technological advances and evolution, referred to the different situation in the countries of the partnership Sharing of experiences in the area of ECDL training/testing among project partners
Objectives Improving the collaboration relations between project partners Enlarging the access of the public to educational resources Official and mutual recognizing of competencies and IT skills (same ECDL certified across Europe) Development of Information Society in all countries involved within the partnership of the project Valorisation and dissemination of the project results and products at local, National and across Europe
Target audience Staff that will use the new methodology being developed during the project development stage High-school and university students with the desire to i mprove their IT skills and competencies Young engineers ( young graduates ) and specialists working in the CAD domain - official recognition at European level Public and governmental officials and personnel Workers and personnel from institutions and industrial organizations requiring certification or vocational training or professional reconversion Unemployed people or layed off personnel for professional reconversion Adults seeking vocational training