WELCOME TO 4 th GRADE! Ms. Cook and Mr. Shipley
Homework Policy Homework will go home in a packet on Monday. Homework will be checked daily and is due Friday. Help and guidance from guardians is encouraged. If turning in homework consistently becomes an issue, guardians will be asked to check homework and give signatures.
Spelling Students will be given differentiated spelling lists according to their needs and abilities. These will come from our new Wonders Language Arts curriculum, our projects, and our Accelerated Reader books.
Reading Students will be required to fill out weekly reading logs at home for fiction/nonfiction skills. Students will be required to take Accelerated Reader (AR) tests each quarter. The first STAR test will be given in early August. Individual AR goals will be set by students after STAR results are assessed. Weekly Reading tests.
Math Lessons taught in small group setting. Stations will consist of independent math, partner math, and online math. Everyday Math Curriculum (Teaches various methods to solve problems, differentiates based on student abilities). Reference books are available for Math. Students will keep a math notebook.
Behavior Agreements PBiS Students will participate in our mini-economy system. More information will be posted on the website. Paws- whole class rewards Husky Grams- individual rewards Parents will be contacted if there are specific, individual needs.
Communication Vital information during the day, please call office. Weekly newsletter and updates via . Check the website for updates, homework, newsletters. (812) (Office)
Volunteers! Station work PBL Organizing Reading with students Small group work Sign up on our volunteer form, and we will contact you.
Passions and Projects If you have a possible community partner, passions idea, or resources/supplies, please let us know!
Questions? Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year. We are ready and willing to help! ☺