Early Childhood Education (ZA) Endorsement Program Reviewer Technical Assistance Office of Professional Preparation Services Michigan Department of Education
Application Process Overview Applications and supporting documentation must be submitted in an electronic format. All endorsement program applications must be submitted by November 1, All fees must be paid by December 1, 2010.
Review Process During the Month of December January-March 1 complete reviewer comment form January-March 1 complete reviewer comment form March 1 review teams meet on own schedule Complete team reviews and send one combined reviewer recommendation form to Bonnie Rockafellow by April 1, 2011 Complete team reviews and send one combined reviewer recommendation form to Bonnie Rockafellow by April 1, 2011 Office of Professional Preparation Services will send reviewer recommendation forms to Teacher Preparation Institution
Purpose of Peer Review As you review please remember that this review process should: support institutions as they offer documentation highlighting the quality of the ZA program. support institutions as they offer documentation highlighting the quality of the ZA program. provide valuable feedback in relationship to the new Early Childhood Education (ZA) Endorsement Standards provide valuable feedback in relationship to the new Early Childhood Education (ZA) Endorsement Standards
Purpose of Peer Review The process is not designed to: replicate a program you may have graduated from or work within. replicate a program you may have graduated from or work within. evaluate the institution’s capacity to use technology for documentation. evaluate the institution’s capacity to use technology for documentation.
Reviewer’s Guidelines Review Forms: Application for State Approval of Teacher Preparation Specialty Programs _7.doc This is the documentation format we expect to see for all the programs. This is the documentation format we expect to see for all the programs.
Reviewer’s Guidelines Reviewer Comment Form The reviewer's comment form was prepared to help reviewers working with institutional documents submitted for review. It may also be useful for your conversations with your review partner. This form is for the reviewer’s use and is NOT used by the institution under review.
Reviewer’s Guidelines The Early Childhood Education (ZA) Endorsement standards are available at: _5683_ ,00.html _5683_ ,00.html These are the standards that each institution must address when completing a standards matrix for the program (see instructions for Section VI of the Application for State Approval of Teacher Preparation Specialty Programs). These are the standards that each institution must address when completing a standards matrix for the program (see instructions for Section VI of the Application for State Approval of Teacher Preparation Specialty Programs).
Review of Standards Awareness Possesses General Knowledge (exposure) Possesses General Knowledge (exposure) Basic Understanding Ability to Comprehend and Apply (Use) Ability to Comprehend and Apply (Use) Comprehensive Understanding A High Level of Understanding, Application and Reflecting (Proficient) A High Level of Understanding, Application and Reflecting (Proficient)
Awareness Syllabus The Text provides the information The Text provides the information A Lecture has the information as a topic A Lecture has the information as a topic
Basic Syllabus Text has information Text has information Lecture includes issues as topics Lecture includes issues as topics Assignments for field experience is inclusive of issues Assignments for field experience is inclusive of issues Assessments clearly address issues Assessments clearly address issues
Comprehensive Syllabus Text and Additional Readings Provide Multiple Perspectives Relative to the Issues Text and Additional Readings Provide Multiple Perspectives Relative to the Issues Assignments Require Reflection and Comparative Analysis of Issues Assignments Require Reflection and Comparative Analysis of Issues Evidence of Application During Field Experiences Evidence of Application During Field Experiences Assessment Criteria and Rubrics Provide Clear Expectation of Use and Student Learning/Impact Analysis Assessment Criteria and Rubrics Provide Clear Expectation of Use and Student Learning/Impact Analysis
Additional Resources ELL Resource Web_Resources_263842_7.doc Assistive and AdaptiveTechnology How to review specialty programs _5683_ ,00.html _5683_ ,00.html _5683_ ,00.html
The Review Individual review Team Review and building consensus Use reviewer comment form for team notes Use reviewer comment form for team notes
The review Reviewer Recommendation Form Send completed reviewer recommendation form AND reviewer comment form to Bonnie Rockafellow by no later than April 1, 2011 forms to
Early Childhood Education (ZA) Endorsement Program Questions regarding the review process can be sent to Bonnie Rockafellow at A more in-depth discussion of specific content components of the review will be held during the Early Childhood Conference on October 21 st.