Sea Ice Deformation Studies and Model Development Gunnar Spreen, Han Tran, Ron Kwok, and Dimitris Menemenlis
Importance of sea ice deformation for model mass balance Overview Importance of sea ice deformation for model mass balance Sea ice deformation fields in model and satellite observations Regional Arctic setup with optimized parameters from 18 km integration (Green's function approach): Nguyen et al. (2011), JGR Regional Arctic solution 4.5, 9 and 18 km horizontal grid spacing. Time: 1992 – 2011 (20 years) Surface boundary conditions: JRA-25 Viscous plastic dynamics [Hibler, 1979] Regional Arctic solution
Model Sensitivity to Ice Strength Pmax Change of sea ice strength parameter P* to simulate changes in ice deformation 18 km grid spacing 1992–2009 Ice strength 3 experiments Baseline P*: optimized Arctic solution (Nguyen et al., 2011; P*=2.3·104) 0.7 P*: P* reduced by 30% (P* =1.6·104) 0.3 P*: P* reduced by 70% (P* =0.7·104) Sensitivity Experiment: Model Domain Arctic Basin
Sea Ice Deformation Rate P* 0.7 P* 0.3 P* Seasonal Cycle Sea Ice Deformation Rate Difference: experiment - baseline (0.7 P*) – P* (0.3 P*) – P* Deformation rate As expected sea ice deformation (and speed) increases for lower ice strength
Influence on Sea Ice Volume P* 0.7 P* 0.3 P* Arctic Basin Sea Ice Volume 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 1 2 3 x 104 km3 Difference to Baseline km3 (0.7 P*) – P* 8000 (0.3 P*) – P* 6000 4000 2000 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 Total sea ice volume within the Arctic Basin is higher for weaker ice, i.e., higher deformation rates.
Arctic Basin Ice Volume Export Sea Ice Volume Export Arctic Basin Ice Volume Export Sea ice volume export out of the Arctic Basin (combined Fram Strait, CAA, Bering Strait, etc.) all three experiments are highly correlated Ice Volume Export: Difference to baseline (0.7 P*) – P* (0.3 P*) – P* P* 0.7 P* 0.3 P* However, the weaker ice experiments show an enhanced seasonal cycle and “0.3 P*” a negative bias of 43 km3/month or ~20%.
Influence on Mixed Layer Depth Seasonal Cycle Mixed Layer Depth (92-09) Standard Deviation Mixed Layer Depth P* 0.7 P* 0.3 P* P* 0.7 P* 0.3 P* The winter mixed layer depth increases for higher deformation rates, i.e., lower ice strength. Also the variability of the mixed layer depth increases.
Conclusions Model Sea Ice Strength Sensitivity Sea strength and ice deformation processes strongly influence the sea ice mass balance in a coupled ocean-sea ice model using a viscous-plastic rheology. A new, higher equilibrium ice mass is established Sea ice export shows stronger seasonal cycle Reduced sea ice export for very low ice strength (probably caused by thicker ice) Deeper winter-time mixed layer depth Changes can be attributed to enhanced sea ice dynamics Sea ice deformation processes should be adequately represented in the model for realistic sea ice mass balance simulations → next topic
Comparison to RGPS Satellite Data RADARSAT Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data Spatial cross-correlation of patterns → ice movement divergence vorticity shear multiyear ice fraction 20-23 Feb. 2005 1996 Calculate strain rates (divergence, vorticity, shear) from Lagrangian cells 3-daily on 12.5 km grid
RGPS and Model Sea Ice Deformation Example: November 1999 black line: perennial ice Sea ice deformation parameters: divergence, vorticity and shear Number and concentration of linear kinematic features (LKF) increase with decreasing model grid spacing.
Difference in Deformation Rate RGPS data reconstructed from model output RGPS D is by about 50% higher Model and observations highly correlated and show similar trends
Difference in Ice Deformation Distribution Biggest difference between RGPS and model in the seasonal ice zone suggests thin ice is too strong in model Change of sea ice strength parameterization needed Difference distribution similar for all three model resolution
Way Forward: Material-Point Method Deborah Sulsky, Han Tran, Kara Peterson University New Mexico New sea ice rheology: material-point method Sulsky et al. (2007), JGR Coupled to MITgcm ocean model
Last night’s results
Conclusions Deformation of sea ice play an important role in viscous- plastic ice models. Small changes in the ice strength change the sea ice mass balance. Compared to RGPS observations, our three model solutions do not adequately reproduce small scale deformation and linear kinematic features (LKFs). Also the overall modeled deformation rate is about 50% lower than the observed one. Increase in model resolution produces a higher density and more localized ice deformation features. A new sea ice rheology might be necessary to reduce differences between modeled and observed ice kinematics.