FEMCIDI Proposed Criteria for the Eligibility and Evaluation of Partnership for Development Activities
Proposed FEMCIDI Criteria FEMCIDI Criteria guided by the following imperatives: 1.Have a coherent approach to FEMCIDI programming: – Recognize financial implications of a prolonged process – Avoid duplication of efforts within the Secretariat/build synergies with other development agencies 2.Change the role of the Secretariat: – Greater accountability – Well defined and developed programs with national input 3.Importance of attracting additional funding 4.Need for measurable impact results
Proposed Procedure for FEMCIDI Programming based on Proposed Revised Structure Objective i.Definition of Objective ii.Participation ii.Participation by Member States in the Programs iii.Formulation iii.Formulation of Program and Activities Programmatic Framework iv.Presentation of the Programmatic Framework v.Funding vi.Implementation vii.Monitoring and Evaluation
i. Definition of Objective a.Technical Cooperation Section (TCS) through ONE: Organize survey to identify Member State’s priorities from Strategic Plan and corresponding thematic areas. Survey guided by: National and regional development plans Existing programs in SEDI Programs of other development agencies b.Survey results presented to the MB/IACD for approval of one priority area of action and up to 4 thematic areas for up to 4 programs with clearly defined objectives c.MB/IACD confirms amount of seed funding for programming cycle Proposed Procedure for FEMCIDI Programming
Technical Cooperation Section (TCS), SEDI departments, ONE and relevant authorities formulate 3 year programs with activities, budget, and programming. Program contains: Education and S&T a.Crosscutting areas: Education and S&T b.Clearly defined objective c.Support for solving a national of regional need d.Facilitate transfers/exchanges of experiences, etc. Promote various forms of cooperation e.Mobilize national joint funding f.Use and development of local capacities g.Strengthen institutions and human development h.Avoid duplication of efforts i.Ensure sustainability j.Combine resources/experiences of partners k.Draft Monitoring and Evaluation plan l.Innovation and sustainability ii. Participation of Member States in Program Member States through Permanent Missions present letter confirming participation in one of the programs iii. Formulation of Program and activities
a.Member States’ annual contributions b.Letter of commitment and support to FEMCIDI process by member States c.SEDI and MB/IACD pursue additional funding d.TCS work with external and local partners to secure funding. e.Additional funding to be governed by the General Standards of the GS/OAS f.Member states continue annual contributions to ensure FEMCIDI’s sustainability g.Funds to be distributed proportionally based on size of projects and number of participating countries iv. Presentation of programmatic framework Programmatic Framework document containing objective, program, and defined activities, presented to the MB/IACD for consideration and approval Program Framework document shared with the Washington Inter-Agency Group to build synergies v. Funding
vi. Implementation Each participating country is to submit a work plan, a budget, and a timetable for execution for the three years of programming Signature of the Execution Agreement Funds disbursed every six months, subject to the presentation of satisfactory follow-up reports. vii. Monitoring and evaluation Detailed monitoring and evaluation plan to be presented by national coordinators to the TCS no later than 90 days after the signature of the Agreement Midterm evaluation (end of year 2) Final (independent) evaluation at end of cycle Results and good practices to be published
Area of action: Thematic Areas: Objective: Cross-cutting areas: Education and S&T Building community resilience to natural hazards Sustainable Development Strengthening local community planning capacity Sustainable community business development Rural renewable energy development Design a strategy for risk identification and management in disaster prone communities Example