Your title goes here Your sub-header here Program department DRR & ECCD – The Experience of Plan Philippines Beyond Parity: Opportunities and Challenges for Girls Education in Mali Magia Binta Bocoum – Plan Mali
Objectives of the Presentation Context Main Barriers to Girls’ Education Learning Outcomes Best Practices Challenges
Context of Mali Population: inabitants of whom 50.40% are women 15% F literate vs 32,7% M 2,3% F employed vs11,7% M 5/27 ministers 15/147 deputies
Context MDG, EFA, Orientation Law, PRODEC (10 year public education program) - Gender Subcomponent of PISE III (implementation of 10 year public education program) Document of National Gender Education Policy, adopted in 2007 Action Plans Ad hoc group on SCOFI (Partnership Framework) Global Partnership for Education
Barriers to Girls’ Education Distance from school Low birth registration Withdrawal of girls from school at puberty Early marriage Migration
Barriers to Girls’ Education (continued) Low income of parents Excessive household responsibilities/ girls’ work Low awareness of the importance of girls' schooling by parents Shortage of qualified personnel to support gender aspects Inadequacy of infrastructure and material resources for girls
Learning Outcomes Net Enrolment Ratio (Primary) TotalGirlsBoys 63.6%56.9%70.5% Completion Rate (Primary)59.1%50.6%67.7% Success Rate (DEF)31,33%28,81%33,91%
Best Practices Promotion of girl-friendly schools Continuous training of teachers Promotion of women in leadership positions “Learn without fear” Campaign Support to AMEs (mothers groups) and children organizations Promotion of school feeding Literacy of parents
Best Practices (continued) Skills training for women and girls Development of study circles, peer tutoring, remedial courses, etc.. for girls at all levels of education Communication / awareness (radio, TV, community mobilization) in favor of girls' schooling Mass registration of children, especially girls
Challenges To put political will in action To operationalize the framework on girls’ schooling – synergy To mobilize the necessary resources through local donor group for the implementation of Action Plan To develop a dynamic partnership around the national policy SCOFI and a multi-sectoral approach To implement the Fast Track Initiative (Global partnership for Education) To advocate to increase the budget allocated to education for girls To conduct extensive research on barriers to girls' education
Maiga Binta Bocoum – Merci Thank You!