Transit – Our transit services will provide modern, innovative, and viable travel options. Because transit facilities and services are an essential element of the social, economic, and cultural fabric, sufficient operating and capital funding and supportive policies must be in place. Innovative services and transit supportive investment are critical to developing a high quality transit system. The future transit system will: Promote transit supportive land use patterns and infrastructure; Contribute to congestion management, air quality, and energy savings; Form the backbone for managing travel demand; Provide essential mobility for those who do not operate a private vehicle; Capitalize on market trends and attract choice riders.
Transit Oriented Development
Transit Propensity Index Shading based on a scale ranking of the density of the following characteristics that support transit: Population Population (Age 65+) Low income population Households with more vehicles than workers Four corner intersections Shopping locations Colleges Hospitals Employment Low income employment
Bus Rapid Transit Colors, Signage & Branding Off-Board Fare Collection Light rail styled vehicles Bus-Only Lanes Queue-jump with signal priority Fully separated Busway Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a high performance transit service with limited-stops and a higher frequency of service. BRT can include higher amenities and several of the suite of features pictured. As more are included, BRT functions more like light rail than a local bus. BRTCOST PER MILE SYSTEM($ millions) Fewer Features Grand Rapids$4.2 Eugene, OR$6.3 Cleveland$29.8 Pittsburgh$64.8 More Features As more features are included, both performance and capital costs will rise. BRT may still be the most cost-effective option. TYPE OFAVERAGE TRANSITCOST PER MILE SYSTEM($ millions) BRT "Lite"$6 BRT$53 Streetcar$55 Light Rail$88 Subway$320