National Board Certification ® Awareness Meeting July 2009
History of National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Carnegie Foundation report (1986) A Nation Prepared: Teachers for the 21st Century Task Force on teaching as a profession Establishment of voluntary, national certification process Better teaching better learning better schools
Mission Statement To advance the quality of teaching and learning by: maintaining high and rigorous standards for what accomplished teachers should know and be able to do; providing a national voluntary system certifying teachers who meet these standards; and advocating related education reforms to integrate National Board Certification in American education and to capitalize on the expertise of National Board Certified Teachers.
Standards Established by Teachers Teachers form the majority of NBPTS Board of Directors. Teachers form the majority of NBPTS standards committees. Teachers work on the NBPTS staff. Teachers have staff positions with NBPTS contractors. Teachers score assessment exercises and set performance standards.
Five Core Propositions Teachers are committed to students and their learning. Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students. Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience. Teachers are members of learning communities.
Growth of NBPTS in SC ~ 6,498 NBCTs (758 in 2008) ~ 1,166 New Candidates Awaiting Scores ~ 755 Retake Candidates Awaiting Scores 3 rd highest number of NBCTs in the nation
Student Achievement and NBPTS Anecdotal evidence linking NBPTS to student achievement: A Distinction That Matters Goldhaber study More than twenty national studies on relationship of NBC and student achievement currently being completed Research already shows quality of teaching is number one factor for student learning
Eligibility Prerequisites Baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution Three years of successful teaching at one or more early childhood, elementary or secondary schools Proof of holding a valid state teaching license for each of those three years
Requirements of Process Teaching Portfolio (current school year) 1 – Student work entry 2 – Video-based entry 3 – Video-based entry 4 – Professional, Families and Community Documented Accomplishments entry Assessment Center (one day) 5 - prompt (30 minutes) 6 - prompt (30 minutes) 7 - prompt (30 minutes) 8 - prompt (30 minutes) 9 - prompt (30 minutes) 10- prompt (30 minutes)
Scoring Evidence-based scoring Each entry scored by different assessor(s) Assessors are teachers – same content and developmental level Score range for each entry:.75 – 4.25 Weighting: score multiplied by factor from 6.67 – 16 Uniform constant of 12 points added to each score Accomplished Teacher must earn at least 275 points and complete all 10 entries Read NB Scoring Handbook for more information
Banking & Retake Automatic banking of each entry score for a period of two years for any entry that meets the standard of 2.75 or above Online “retake score calculator” available to candidates (NB site) Retake any combination of any entries with a score below 2.75 Pay $350 fee for each entry retaken
South Carolina Incentives (pending annual legislation) Loan for up to $2,500 for assessment fee (forgivable) Salary Increase of $7,500 for life of certificate (10 years) Recertification requirements waived for NBCTs for life of certificate Reciprocity for teacher certification granted for NBCTs moving into South Carolina
Local Incentives and Support School districts may offer one or more of the following: Additional salary increases Release time to complete portfolio requirements Use of technical equipment and resources Graduate credit courses in collaboration with colleges/universities Workshops and Seminars
South Carolina Loan Program Candidates pay $65 application fee (non-refundable) directly to NBPTS this fee is not covered by the SC Loan Program this is the only fee* a SC teacher needs to pay “out of pocket” up front Borrow up to $2,500 for three years One-half of loan forgiven if all ten (10) entries are complete and scoreable in year one of the process Other half of loan forgiven if certification is achieved within three-year period allowed by NBPTS SC NBC Loan applications available from National Board Liaisons, CERRA and teacher organizations (PSTA, SCEA, etc.) Fees are not reimbursed by CERRA for funds sent to NBPTS by candidates * The $500 Initial Fee required by NB is submitted by CERRA when the loan is processed
Assessment Calendar SC Loan Available August 1 – November 1, 2009 NB Application August 1 – November 1, 2009 (Without loan: apply from now until Dec. 31, 2009) Assessment Center until – June 15, 2010 Portfolio Due March 31, 2010 Results no later than December 31, 2010 Additional SC NBC Loan opportunities determined by South Carolina General Assembly during current session
Withdrawal Read NB withdrawal information and SC NBC Loan application carefully NBPTS must be notified in writing by submission of a Withdrawal Form Withdrawal Form must be received by NB before submitting entries to NB, before going to the assessment center and before portfolio due date $500 initial fee must be repaid to SC (not NBPTS) within 2 months of withdraw date. CERRA does not invoice candidates. Total assessment fee ($2500) and any additional fees and interest will be owed to SC by the candidate if withdrawal procedures and deadlines are not met.
Read Before Applying Download (from NB site) and carefully read: Guide to National Board Certification NB Scoring Handbook NB Standards for your area NB portfolio instructions for your area Web pages: “Become a Candidate” and “For Candidates” sections on NB site at “NB Candidate” pages in the Teacher Leader section on CERRA’s site at
Five Core Propositions Teachers are committed to students and their learning. Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students. Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience. Teachers are members of learning communities.
NBPTS Standards Understanding Young Children Equity, Fairness & Diversity The Art of Teaching Families & Communities Knowledge of Students Instructional Decision Making Reflective Practice Multiple Paths to Knowledge Assessment Representative NB standards from ENS, ELA, Math & GEN Certificates
NBPTS Values Accomplished Teaching Accomplished teaching is defined by the NBPTS Standards, not by NBCTs or by candidate support providers. Student learning is at the heart of the certification process. Portfolio entries should demonstrate and reflect the candidate’s impact on student learning.
What Does Accomplished Teaching Look Like? What Teachers Do What Students Do What Students Learn
Candidates Must Demonstrate Clear Connections Between… Instructional Goals Assessment Student Learning Planned Activities
Questions Candidates Should Ask NBCTs How has NBC changed the way you approach your work with students? What resources supported your work as a candidate? What is the one thing you would NOT do if you were to go through this process again? What is the one thing you WOULD do if you were to go through this process again?
As a candidate… Stay in contact with your district’s NB liaison in order to request the SC NB Loan application and learn about candidate support efforts. Meet all established deadlines for paperwork and submit pieces in a timely fashion in order to choose the best window of opportunity for yourself. Visit the NBPTS and CERRA Web sites regularly to stay updated on new developments and information regarding the process.
To Help Make the Decision… Analyze and reflect upon the time you have to give to this process. Determine resources you already have (and ones you need to acquire) to give this your best effort. Contact SC NBCTs in your certificate area. Contact your school district’s NB liaison. Determine what kind of support may be available to you in your school, district or region. SC NBCTs & district liaisons are listed on CERRA’s Web site at
More Information National Board for Professional Teaching Standards TEACH CERRA- Brett Vaughn Program Director, NB School District Liaison-