Making it Real: Modeling ecosystem services to support planning on the west coast of Vancouver Island Anne Guerry IMCC May 2011, Victoria BC
6 things we have learned 1.Watch our language 2.Its not about us 3.Don’t be (total) geeks 4.Space matters 5.Sweat the small stuff 6.CMSP is doable
1. Watch our language
Ecosystem services: the things people want and need from nature
12 stakeholder groups interviewed List of services from MA Broad agreement about what matters “Most Important” Ecosystem Services World Resources Institute 2009 First tier: water water regulation tourism and recreation, ethical and existence values WRI 2009 Second tier: food from fisheries, food from aquaculture, water purification and waste treatment
Ecosystem services: Σ Ψ ζ θ ϖ $$$$ …
Voters recognize benefits nature provides to people Support calculating value of benefits and factoring into decisions about natural resources Preference for label other than “ecosystem services” public opinion
Visions and values healthy environment sustainable local jobs tax revenue/rent recreation spiritual places viewscapes/noise community social capital cultural diversity marine safety access to local food research and innovation local sustainable energy climate change/carbon footprint
Scenario elements and ecosystem service models healthy environment habitat risk assessment model sustainable local jobs connect to regional input/output models tax revenue/rent diversify model outputs recreation overlap model viewscapes/noise aesthetic quality model access to local food fisheries and aquaculture models local sustainable energy wave energy model spiritual places scenario element
2. Its not about us
West Coast Aquatic public-private partnership 4 levels of government business interests, NGO’s, etc Guiding Principles and Goals Tsa’walk (everything is one) Integrated management Community involvement Creating a marine spatial plan for Barkely and Clayoquot Sounds Unit 21 (Toquart Bay): Critical area for the forestry sector due to infrastructure. Increasing importance of recreation and tourism. General Management Emphasis: Toquart Bay should be managed for mixed use which allows for continued use by the forestry sector and growth in the recreation and tourism sectors. Care should be given to reduce and/or mitigate potential conflicts between these uses and activities. Shellfish and Marine Plant Aquaculture… New private, commercial and industrial docks… The upland area adjacent to the planning unit…
3. Don’t be (total) geeks
Run Wave Model Offshore Beach Erosion Difference: 1.5m 15 hrs Storm H max =1.5m T=4s
Combined index of vulnerability: Where are the people + where are the biophysical hazards?
Run Wave Model Offshore Beach Erosion Difference: 1.5m 15 hrs Storm H max =1.5m T=4s
Stanford researchers bring new marine tool to West Coast Yasmin Aboelsaud, Special to Westerly News Published: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Councillors and Tofino mayor John Fraser were among attendees at the presentations on coastal erosion hosted by the District of Tofino and West Coast Aquatic on January 10.
4. Space matters
All habitat patches are not created equal – Considering management actions in context allows for more informed decisions e.g. protect this eelgrass over that… Focus on the “do’s”
Move shellfish tenures away from population centers Restore eelgrass in high risk, high benefit locations
5. Sweat the small stuff
CMSP is made up of many small decisions Help put them in context
Combined index of vulnerability: Where are the people + where are the biophysical hazards?
NPV ($ mil) Commercial Fishery : Salmon trawl : Salmon net : Crab and Shrimp Recreational Fishery : Salmon : Ground fish : Power Grid Connection Point : Cable Landing Point
Lemmens Inlet: float homes, shellfish aquaculture, water quality tradeoffs Current shellfish aquaculture Future shellfish aquaculture Current floathomes Future floathomes Eelgrass
6. CMSP is doable
CMSP on the WCVI Groundwork is laid: – WCA Visions and values Local knowledge Stakeholder engagement Planning units – WCA/NatCap Framing scenarios Exploring tradeoffs
Policy emphasis Need for early successes…
Mary Ruckelshaus CK Kim Mike Papenfus Greg Verutes Jodie Toft Katie Arkema Greg Guannel Joey Bernhardt Spencer Wood Matt Marsik Dave Sutherland Andrew Day Kevin Head Jenn Spencer Trudy Warner
thank you. The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation The West Coast Aquatic Management Board NOAA Fisheries, Northwest Fisheries Science Center Gretchen Daily, Peter Kareiva, Taylor Ricketts, Steve Polasky, and Jon Foley Our Technical Working Group : Apollo Qi, Heather Tallis, Steve Polasky, Mark Plummer, Phil Levin, Bill Labiosa, Francis Chan, Guy Gelfenbaum, Peter Ruggiero, Andre Punt, Melanie McField, Ben Halpern, Sarah Lester, Malin Pinsky, Mike Beck, Barry Gold, Kai Chan Others : Matt Marsik, Spencer Wood, Andrew Day, Laura Loucks, Trudy Warner, Kevin Head, Roger Bedard, Jim Regetz, Dan Holland