2009 Diversity Summit Goals Subtitle can go here if necessary LSC Short & Long Term Goals
Are you aware of your LSC short and long term goals established in 2009?
2009 Diversity Summit Common LSC Goals Short Term Goals LSC Diversity Chair/Committee Promoting Diversity Diversity Outreach Diversity Budget Long Term Goals Participation Promotion Reporting Outreach Make a Splash Education Grants Recreation
Short Term LSC Goals
Diversity Chair/Committee Committee should be built around diversity, disability, & outreach Committee should identify and select a diversity chair that is a voting member of the BOD Develop strong mission statement and vision Establish achievable goals and milestones
Promotion Educate all clubs in LSC on the importance of being diverse. Hold a regional diversity event for coaches & swimmers. Host a diversity select camp. Website accurately reflects diversity. Develop a relationship with businesses and local Government.
Outreach Reimbursement program “Wellness” partnership with local hospitals. Memberships for underrepresented and underserved groups Potential MAS Local Partners Incentive program for clubs that increase membership of disabled/mentally challenge children.
Budget Goals Establish a fully funded diversity Committee Increase Outreach Budget Diversity Line Item in Budgets
Long Term LSC Goals
LSC & Participation Hold multiple LSC events promoting diversity Statewide Make a Splash event Hold regional diversity programs LSC camps held annually
Promotion Hold multiple LSC events promoting diversity Statewide Make a Splash event Hold regional diversity programs Annual LSC camps with members and non-members
Outreach Raise outreach by 15% or more Bridge High Schools and parks to clubs Establish grants for Native American and inner city initiatives Mandatory learn to swim programs in elementary schools Establish relationships with municipalities
Make a Splash & Education Establish a Make a Splash local partners in all states Bridge Make a Splash to clubs Collaborative effort between neighboring LSC’s Hold swimposium with diversity track
What have you achieved, not achieved and why? Breakout Session #1
Contact Information Manuel Banks Diversity Membership Specialist USA Swimming (phone) (cell)