Perspective of a Prosperous English Region Councillor Roy Perry AER Summit on the Crisis and the Regions 22 – 23 September
Unemployment – July 2012 Overall EU27 – 10.4% UK – 8.0% Hampshire – 2.3% Young people EU27 – 22.5% UK – 7.6% Hampshire – 4.0%
The importance of education and training In Hampshire, we believe: Good quality education should prepare young people for life Young people need transferable skills There needs to be more emphasis on key academic subjects like English and Maths
The needs of the job market Many young people in education today will go on to do jobs that have not yet been invented Education should focus on ensuring young people are: flexible adaptable resilient Hampshire: centre of the Marine Industry
The role of Hampshire County Council Enabling infrastructure necessary for job creation Working in partnership with schools, business, colleges and training providers Not getting in the way of enterprise
What works? Working in partnership Linking skills development to industries Specific local projects which address areas of need