inspire a world of good CHANGE Human Growth & Development
inspire a world of good HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT (HGD) Provides foundational knowledge about lifespan development. One of the cornerstone courses at Wheelock College and a critical course for many professions. Taught by fabulous professors! Most students take HGD for their entire first year (HGD I & II). Classroom learning & application in real life through field placements (3 hours x 10 weeks = 30 hours/each semester).
inspire a world of good WHY IS THIS A FIRST SEMESTER REQUIREMENT IF I DON’T WANT TO WORK WITH CHILDREN? Gain critical thinking skills about how people develop and change through the lifespan, and factors that account for variability. Learn fundamental theories of development across the lifespan. Learn to observe behaviors with a scientific eye, using scientific methods. Learn SO much more about yourself. Relevant to all your work at the College? YES!
inspire a world of good DISCUSS THESE QUESTIONS TOGETHER: Why do some young children enter a group setting easily, but some cling to their caregivers? How does cognition differ for an 8, 18, and 48-year-old? Cross-culturally? At what age are children capable of caring for younger siblings? Is this true cross-culturally? Should adolescents who have been accused of a serious crime be tried as adults? Why or why not? Is a “mid-life crisis” a myth? Why or why not?
inspire a world of good THE FALL SEMESTER: HGD I From prenatal development to early childhood (around age 5) Learn about the following domains: Physical development Cognitive development Language development Socio-emotional development Field Placements in early childhood settings
inspire a world of good THE SPRING SEMESTER: HGD II Middle childhood (school age), Adolescence, & Adulthood (early, middle, late) Expanded focus on contexts – families, peers, schools, communities, cultures Field Placement options are more diverse (e.g., schools, community settings; working with children, adolescents, adults) Assignments are more diverse – interviews, autobiographical analysis, current event critiques, etc.
inspire a world of good OPPORTUNITY Human Growth & Development Field Placement
inspire a world of good Requirement for Human Growth & Development (HGD) Course – 1 Credit 10 weekly visits of 3 hours each Fall Semester = Early Education settings w/ children ages Birth – 6 years old Spring Semester = 8 years old– older adults (afterschool programs, shelters, adult day cares, homes for the elderly) First professional experience: observing minutes, assist teachers/children Relating theory & practice to placement HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT PLACEMENT
inspire a world of good ▪Foundation of all placements at Wheelock ▪Gain valuable experience & skills,while learning about development ▪Professional Skills and Competencies: Interpersonal skills Communication skills Problem Solving Skills Self-Management skills Diversity Skills Flexibility/Adaptability ▪Inform you for your career ahead
inspire a world of good ““It was a challenge and an incredible learning experience working with children in this circumstance. ning and understanding of children.” “I learned what I am going to experience when I enter the field. The experience has broadened my view on what age I want to teach. I used to only want to teach kindergarten but now I think I would be happy with older students.” I learned what I am going to experience when I enter the field. The experience has broadened my view on what age I want to teach. I used to only want to teach kindergarten but now I think I would be happy with older students.” PAST STUDENT EXPERIENCES…. “It was a challenge and an incredible learning experience working with children in this circumstance. It was extremely different which most definitely enhanced my learning and understanding of children.” “I learned what I am going to experience when I enter the field. The experience has broadened my view on what age I want to teach. I used to only want to teach kindergarten but now I think I would be happy with older students.”
inspire a world of good SITE LOCATIONS Sites are located in the surrounding neighborhoods of Boston. All sites are accessible by the MBTA ▪FEO provides directions to all sites for you ▪Practice: during HGD Orientation
inspire a world of good CHOOSING A SITE FEO staff will offer guidance on sign up procedure and working with your class schedule during tomorrow’s session. Tonight, review the Experience Scale handout in your packet for more detailed site descriptions. Types of sites for first semester: Preschools Headstart Programs Private/Independent Daycare Centers Parent Co-ops Employee Sponsored Daycares
inspire a world of good LOGISTICS Placement Requirements: All Sites require a background check (CORI) through the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC). Government issued photo ID (Drivers License, Passport, State ID) Places of residence for past 7 years with dates Social Security Number Wheelock College Health Certificate(keep a copy of this!) Orientation in the Fall (dates TBA)
inspire a world of good Some sites require that you complete fingerprints, in addition to a CORI check. Tomorrow, we will have instructions for you about completing this process In early September, we will have fingerprinting available right on campus FINGERPRINTING
inspire a world of good SIGN UP SHEET EXAMPLE Name of Site Directions from Wheelock to site Site Description Shifts Available Lucy Wheelock June 19, 2014 Experience Scale Info
inspire a world of good QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER TONIGHT What do I want to get out of this experience? Do I want to: Work with a new age group? Explore the city? Gain experience with a particular population? Do I enjoy a structured or unstructured environment? How long does it take for me to become comfortable in an environment? Look over Experience Scale handout tonight!
inspire a world of good We look forward to seeing you tomorrow! QUESTIONS FOR US?
inspire a world of good FYI June 23 rd and 24th and June 27 th -28 th
inspire a world of good What is Jumpstart?
inspire a world of good Jumpstart at Wheelock College Requirements Dedicate approximately hours per week in service to children Earn 2 credits in a service-learning Seminar course Serve on a team of 5-8 of their peers AmeriCorps members must complete 300 hours of service over the course of the year
inspire a world of good After doing Jumpstart, I feel confident in my skills as not just a Jumpstart team leader, but also as a professional. Jumpstart at Wheelock College Gain exceptional experience and training in working with preschool children Fulfills the mandatory field experience for first year Human Growth and Development course Gain the Department of Early Education and Care Teacher Certification through practicum hours. Make a difference in children’s lives Jumpstart Corps Member Benefits
inspire a world of good Jumpstart at Wheelock College Receive an AmeriCorps Education Award once you complete 300 hours of service Counts as your Work Study job if you have been granted Work Study Build great friendships with a group of peers Additional Benefits
inspire a world of good Jumpstart at Wheelock College Is Jumpstart For Me? Do you value… Community Service? Making a difference in the lives of children? Leadership? Building Relationships? Are you willing to… Serve hours a week? Take an additional service learning course? Compromise in order to put children first?
inspire a world of good Corps Members Testimonial
inspire a world of good Come see us at the Expo! Grab a paper application! Tell advising that you are applying to be in Jumpstart! Come see us tomorrow to apply! Interested in Jumpstart?