1 Early Childhood Education
2 Early Childhood Programs in Sunnyside Early Childhood Special Education: Ocotillo Early Childhood Block Grant Program: Drexel, Esperanza, Los Amigos (Steps 4 Success) Title I Preschool (Smart Start): Craycroft, Los Ranchitos, Rivera **SPED students in Ocotillo, ECBG, and community Headstart sites within SUSD boundaries (6 sites)
3 Required since 1992 for ages 3-5 SPED preschoolers must be educated with non-disabled peers Ongoing evaluations must occur so services are In place by child’s 3 rd birthday (“In by 3” regulation) SPED Preschool
4 SPED Preschool Enrollment in Ocotillo:190 Other sites: 70 Total SPED PreK:260
5 Early Childhood Special Education—federally mandated program Current Enrollment 260 M+0 6B PreK Teachers (8) 315, IDEA Teachers (1) 45, Teachers (1) 65, **Personal Care Attendants (19) 263, **Speech/Lang Path. (district) (2) 94, **Speech/Lang.Path (contracted) (2.6) 221, **Summer Child Find Services 55, **Occupational Ther. (contracted) (.9) 55, **Occupational Ther. Asst. (contracted) (.9) 40, **Physical Ther. (contracted) (.8) 65, **Audiologist (contracted) (.2) 17, Secretary (1) 34, Nurse (.5) 22, PIA (1) 12, **Psychologist (1) 46, *Early Childhood Administrative Coordinator 74,731.00
6 SPED Pre-school Cost Summary Total M & 0 Costs for SPED preschool: $ 1,429, (includes Child Find costs and Early Childhood Admin) Total 6B IDEA Costs for SPED preschool: 45, Total Pre-K IDEA Grant costs for SPED preschool: 65, Total Preschool Special Education costs $1,540, ADM $ Generated: 478,217.00
7 Salaries and Benefits $ 3,334, Salary and Benefits: 18 Sped Teachers Salary and Benefits: 73 SPED Aides 1 SPED Teacher-ESI 1.5 Program Specialist 4 Bus Monitors 3 prevention specs (EIS) National Certified Psych, SLP, OT/PT .5 Program specialists (ESI) Related Service Vendors Southeast Regional Coop .5 Behavioral Specialists Travel and Conference Registration $3,710 Indirect Costs $52,365.50
8 IDEA Preschool Grant for $98, Has been reduced by $10-20,000 each year for the last five years
9 Reimbursements for Preschool SPED: Medicaid: Direct Service Reimbursement: $63,000 Medicaid Outreach: 6,500 Total Medicaid Reimbursement: $69,500 Preschool SPED generates about 23% of the total Medicaid $
10 Public Relations Birth – Age 3 referrals 45-day screening process Ongoing Child Find services built in to the schedule of all related service providers Mandate requires evaluations and IEPs prior to age 3 for any student in SUSD boundaries Child Find Components & Requirements
11 Title I Preschool Program SMART START 3 classrooms Craycroft, Los Ranchitos, Rivera
12 Title I Preschool “Smart Start” program—3 classrooms Current Enrollment: 54 students (18 per classroom) Title One Teachers (3)121, Para-professionals (4) 50, Data/program asst. (.5 FTE) 21, Total SMART START Program costs: $193,098
13 Early Childhood Block Grant Program (ECBG) STEPS 4 SUCCESS Drexel, Esperanza, Los Amigos 6 CLASSROOMS Department of Health requirements for Space and adult/child ratio (1:8)
14 Funding based on district-wide enrollment and % of Free and Reduced lunch counts No carry-over Redistribution every spring of remaining funds across state programs In the state withheld all reallocation money ECBG General Information
15 ECBG Program Costs 6 teachers (Drexel, Esperanza, Los Amigos): $342, para-professionals 177, Parental Involvement Assistants (PIAs) 1 at Drexel, 1 at Esperanza (Los Amigos remains vacant) 39, Secretary 29, *Nurse (position vacated on 11/09) 18, Total ECGB Costs for :$607, * Full-year nurse cost was $50, Anticipated Revenue Sources $443, (ECBG Grant) 172, (Title I ARRA) Total: $615,880
16 ECBG Funding History $644, , , , (anticipated) 443, (actual) 221,907.50
17 Funds to cover initial ECBG reductions PIAs & 2 Para-pros paid from Medicaid : $82, : Above costs moved to Title I ARRA Additional Title I ARRA funds used for additional reduction to ECBG (25% reduction in August, 2009) 172,065.00
18 Summary of needed funds to cover ECBG costs for 09-10: ECBG funding received in 09-10: 221, Continuation of Title I ARRA funds for 09-10: 172, Add 6B (IDEA) ARRA funds for , (Requested) Title I ARRA and/or carry-over for , (Requested) Total ECBG Operating Costs for of $607,914.00
19 Summary of costs: Early Childhood Program Administrator: 74, Early Childhood Special Education: 1,429, (includes Child Find) Title I SMART START Program (3 classrooms)193, ECBG Steps 4 Success program: 607, Total Cost of all SUSD Early Childhood Programs $2,305,219.00
ECBG Expenditures and Revenues ECBG Program Costs (same as ) $607, Requested Funding Sources: 6B ARRA 1 year only: 178, Additional Amount Requested :$429,914.00
ECBG Expenditures and Revenues ECBG Program Costs (same as ) $607, Amount Requested: $607,914.00
22 ECBG classrooms Average cost per classroom (teacher and para-pro) = $85,000 Average cost for six Steps 4 Success classrooms $510,000
23 Proposal
24 Proposal for Convert Ocotillo Elementary School to an Early Childhood Learning Center Bring all current Early Childhood Programs under one roof Move Ocotillo K-5 students to other schools in the district Place current Ocotillo Elementary staff in other schools in the district
25 Drexel (ECBG) Craycroft (Title 1) Esperanza (ECBG) Los Amigos (ECBG) Los Ranchitos (Title I) Rivera (Title I) Parents as Teachers El Centro Alegre
26 Ocotillo K-5 Proposed Student Placements Drexel = 564 students 135 from Ocotillo Enrollment Enrollment 699 students Los Ranchitos = 630 students 46 from Ocotillo 676 students Rivera = 546 students 110 from Ocotillo 656 students Total = 291 Regular Education K-5 students
27 Ocotillo K-5 Self-Contained Special Education Programs Proposed Student Placements MOMR Program 3 classrooms (45 students) Esperanza MD Program 2 classrooms (12 students) Santa Clara
28 $$$ Financial Savings
29 Ocotillo Budget Savings Teachers $983, Principal & Office Staff 150, Counselor 50, Nurse 38, Psychologist 48, Librarian 64, Sub-Total Savings$1,335, Prop 301 funds 152, Grand Total Savings: $1,487,715.00
30 Ocotillo Budget Savings Total of $1,493,180.00
31 Transportation Current address—proximity (as close to new school as possible) Feeder pattern—follow pattern of newly designated school
32 Options for Board Consideration Option A:Keep Ocotillo Elementary open Other funding sources fund ECBG (Title IA or M&0) Option B:Close Ocotillo—move with proposal as submitted Option C:Keep Ocotillo open Close ECBG program Option D:Close Ocotillo Move with proposal with modification of ECBG program **El Centro Alegre child care center will face closure in all options A new fee-based program will be part of all options shown above