Introducing Emphasis Areas Changing Our Approach to be More Effective
Our Reality Service wide: Tighter budgets More congressional scrutiny Continued progress on Strategic Habitat Conservation In the Southwest Region: Workforce = less capacity –2012 staff = staff = 935 Endangered species workload –≥ 90 listing/critical habitat determinations over the next several years Water availability/quality Border issues Energy development Climate change – wildfire and drought
Addressing Realities: a Strategic Approach We have identified areas that promise the highest return on our conservation investment
Criteria Employ efficiencies to achieve conservation results ( R eturn O n I nvestment) Provide Regional flexibility to deal with Region-specific context High ecological value Where we have a presence Where we can use / leverage our resources wisely
Criteria Focus on species and habitats across our region to maximize conservation benefit Define success and gauge our progress along the way Collaborate with State partners We are One Service with the shared purpose of conservation
Science and Strategic Habitat Conservation
Strategic Habitat Conservation: Coastal Texas - Aransas
Habitat decline Habitat increase Predicted Carrying Capacity WCs Aransas NWR Study area 3,342 2,249 Coastal Texas - Aransas
Putting the Pieces Together
Emphasis Areas
The Gulf Coast WHY? Biological Richness FWS has a significant presence along the Texas Gulf Coast (450,000 acres) Recreational and commercial fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico Central Flyway (80% of the continental population of redhead ducks) Mottled duck, Ocelot, Whooping Crane Only population of federally endangered Attwater’s prairie chicken
Great Plains WHY? Resource Values One of the most compromised landscapes in the country Sits atop the largest aquifer (Ogallala) in North America 6 habitat types need conservation attention Hosts more than 200 species of birds and other wildlife annually
Rio Grande Watershed WHY? Partnerships Lifeblood of New Mexico – 63% of the population lives in this watershed Largest remaining cottonwood woodlands in the U.S. More than 450 species of birds utilize the RG river corridor Native fish and aquatic species of conservation concern for Texas and New Mexico
Mogollon Rim WHY? Conservation Priority/Endangered Species Recovery Mexican gray wolf, native fish Major floristic and faunal boundary of Rocky Mountains – Sierra Madre Occidental – Madrean Sky Islands Ponderosa pine forests – critical importance to 9 declining avian species Public and private conservation opportunities
East Texas & Oklahoma Water Systems WHY? Water/Climate Change One of world’s largest limestone aquifers Enormous aquatic biological diversity Water quality is being impacted by human activities and climate change
Next Steps Creation of Emphasis Area Teams RDT members will serve as Team leads Gulf Coast – Aaron Archibeque Great Plains – Dana Roth Rio Grande – Greg Hughes Mogollon Rim – Stewart Jacks East Texas and Oklahoma – Michelle Shaughnessy
Next Steps Communications Internal Workshops and Field Meetings External Engaging Federal, State, NGO, non-traditional partners
Next Steps Focusing resources on these areas: Monarch Conservation Initiative Science Support Partnership / Quick Response Program ( SSP/QRP ) Gulf Coast Funding Prairie Chicken Funding Urban Initiative Funding Landscape Conservation Design – LCD (Aransas) Cooperative Recovery Initiative Funding Land Acquisition Funds Seed money from programs to initiate target projects
Next Steps Assessment in 5 years
One Service…One Region Working together… Changing Our Approach to be More Effective Emphasis Areas: Strategic Conservation in Region 2