FY05 Budget Revenue: $ 5.3 million Costs: $ 10.5 million Proj. Deficit -$ 5.2 million Revenue: $ 5.3 million Costs: $ 10.5 million Proj. Deficit -$ 5.2 million Projected Budget at Previous Session (March 22, 2004): (Before Negotiated Salary Increases (Before Negotiated Salary Increases)
Budget Status $ in Millions Deficit before Raises:$5.2 Employee Raises:$3.6 Total Deficit$8.8 FY05 Projected Budget at Previous Session (March 22, 2004):
Current FY05 Budget Status Previous Deficit:- $8.8 Career Pathways+$1.3 Enrollment Change +$0.8 Circuit Breaker Funding+$1.0 Savings in Unemployment+$1.3 All other Accounts+$0.2 Revised Budget Deficit:-$4.2 Previous Deficit:- $8.8 Career Pathways+$1.3 Enrollment Change +$0.8 Circuit Breaker Funding+$1.0 Savings in Unemployment+$1.3 All other Accounts+$0.2 Revised Budget Deficit:-$4.2 $ In Millions
FY05 Budget Chapter 70 State Aid:$158,861,691 City Contribution:$ 75,843,193 Sub-Total:$234,704,884 Charter Reimbursement:$ 1,609,532 Total FY05 Budget$236,314,416 Chapter 70 State Aid:$158,861,691 City Contribution:$ 75,843,193 Sub-Total:$234,704,884 Charter Reimbursement:$ 1,609,532 Total FY05 Budget$236,314,416
Current FY05 Budget Status A Budget Deficit of $4,200,000 will result in the reduction of 92 teaching positions. The Administration will recommend that the reductions be based on the following…
15 High School Positions (Retain Credits at 24). 7 Middle School Positions (Retain 7 periods day) 9 Special Education Positions 53 Elementary Positions. Increase class size from 20.8 to 22.0 (See Next Slide) (Previous 24:1) 8 Elementary Itinerant positions (1 Art, 2 Music, 1 Phys Ed, 1 Health, 3 Student Support Services). Additional reductions in these disciplines may be included in the high school and middle school amounts listed above 92 Positions Reduced (No school closings) Teaching Positions Reduced to Balance the Deficit:
15 High School Positions (Retain Credits at 24). 7 Middle School Positions (Retain 7 periods day) 9 Special Education Positions 53 Elementary Positions. Increase class size from 20.8 to 22.0 (See Next Slide) (Previous 24:1) 8 Elementary Itinerant positions (1 Art, 2 Music, 1 Phys Ed, 1 Health, 3 Student Support Services). Additional reductions in these disciplines may be included in the high school and middle school amounts listed above 92 Positions Reduced (No school closings) Teaching Positions Reduced to Balance the Deficit:
15 High School Positions (Retain Credits at 24). 7 Middle School Positions (Retain 7 periods day) 9 Special Education Positions 53 Elementary Positions. Increase class size from 20.8 to 22.0 (See Next Slide) (Previous 24:1) 8 Elementary Itinerant positions (1 Art, 2 Music, 1 Phys Ed, 1 Health, 3 Student Support Services). Additional reductions in these disciplines may be included in the high school and middle school amounts listed above 92 Positions Reduced (No school closings) Teaching Positions Reduced to Balance the Deficit:
15 High School Positions (Retain Credits at 24). 7 Middle School Positions (Retain 7 periods day) 9 Special Education Positions 53 Elementary Positions. Increase class size from 20.8 to 22.0 (See Next Slide) (Previous 24:1) 8 Elementary Itinerant positions (1 Art, 2 Music, 1 Phys Ed, 1 Health, 3 Student Support Services). Additional reductions in these disciplines may be included in the high school and middle school amounts listed above 92 Positions Reduced (No school closings) Teaching Positions Reduced to Balance the Deficit:
15 High School Positions (Retain Credits at 24). 7 Middle School Positions (Retain 7 periods day) 9 Special Education Positions 53 Elementary Positions. Increase class size from 20.8 to 22.0 (See Next Slide) (Previous 24:1) 8 Elementary Itinerant positions (1 Art, 2 Music, 1 Phys Ed, 1 Health, 3 Student Support Services). Additional reductions in these disciplines may be included in the high school and middle school amounts listed above 92 Positions Reduced (No school closings) Teaching Positions Reduced to Balance the Deficit:
15 High School Positions (Retain Credits at 24). 7 Middle School Positions (Retain 7 periods day) 9 Special Education Positions 53 Elementary Positions. Increase class size from 20.8 to 22.0 (See Next Slide) (Previous 24:1) 8 Elementary Itinerant positions (1 Art, 2 Music, 1 Phys Ed, 1 Health, 3 Student Support Services). Additional reductions in these disciplines may be included in the high school and middle school amounts listed above 92 Positions Reduced Teaching Positions Reduced to Balance the Deficit:
Elementary Positions The following reductions will provide an 22.0 average class size at the elementary level next year: 24 Classroom Positions 29 Positions converted to classroom positions 53 Total Elementary Positions Reduced
In order to achieve a 22.0 class size ratio, the following 29 position conversions need to occur: 5 Convert all PEAK positions to classroom positions 6 Convert all World Language positions to classroom positions 1 Convert Educational Technology Teacher Trainer positions to classroom positions 5 Convert all Elementary Librarian positions to classroom positions 12 Convert city funded non-classroom teachers to classroom teachers (facilitators and magnet themed teachers)
In order to achieve a 22.0 class size ratio, the following 29 position conversions need to occur: 5 Convert all PEAK positions to classroom positions 6 Convert all World Language positions to classroom positions 1 Convert Educational Technology Teacher Trainer positions to classroom positions 5 Convert all Elementary Librarian positions to classroom positions 12 Convert city funded non-classroom teachers to classroom teachers (facilitators and magnet themed teachers)
In order to achieve a 22.0 class size ratio, the following 29 position conversions need to occur: 5 Convert all PEAK positions to classroom positions 6 Convert all World Language positions to classroom positions 1 Convert Educational Technology Teacher Trainer positions to classroom positions 5 Convert all Elementary Librarian positions to classroom positions 12 Convert city funded non-classroom teachers to classroom teachers (facilitators and magnet themed teachers)
In order to achieve a 22.0 class size ratio, the following 29 position conversions need to occur: 5 Convert all PEAK positions to classroom positions 6 Convert all World Language positions to classroom positions 1 Convert Educational Technology Teacher Trainer positions to classroom positions 5 Convert all Elementary Librarian positions to classroom positions 12 Convert city funded non-classroom teachers to classroom teachers (facilitators and magnet themed teachers)
In order to achieve a 22.0 class size ratio, the following 29 position conversions need to occur: 5 Convert all PEAK positions to classroom positions 6 Convert all World Language positions to classroom positions 1 Convert Educational Technology Teacher Trainer positions to classroom positions 5 Convert all Elementary Librarian positions to classroom positions 12 Convert city funded non-classroom teachers to classroom teachers (facilitators and magnet themed teachers)
Other Options to Balance the Budget
FY05ProjectedBudget Reduce Non-Instructional, Other Instructional, and Support Staff (Administrators, Custodial & Maintenance, Clerical, Crossing Guards, School Nurses, Instructional Assistants and Tutors) To be defined Reduce or Eliminate Athletic Programs (7-12) or Implement User Fees $641,963 Reduce or Eliminate Non-Mandated Alternative Programs $1,111,989 Reduce or Eliminate City-Funded After School Programs, such as Community Schools $263,070 Reduce Building Maintenance and Cleaning $2,725,500 Reduce Spending for School Supplies and Instructional Materials $2,405,633 Reduce Substitute Coverage for Teacher Absences (Permanent or Day-by- Day Coverage) $1,285,000 Reduce Non-Mandated Transportation (would require a change in Elementary start and end times to achieve savings within transportation contract). Or Implement User Fee To be defined
Other Options to Balance the Budget FY05ProjectedBudget Reduce Non-Instructional, Other Instructional, and Support Staff (Administrators, Custodial & Maintenance, Clerical, Crossing Guards, School Nurses, Instructional Assistants and Tutors) To be defined Reduce or Eliminate Athletic Programs (7-12) or Implement User Fees $641,963 Reduce or Eliminate Non-Mandated Alternative Programs $1,111,989 Reduce or Eliminate City-Funded After School Programs, such as Community Schools $263,070 Reduce Building Maintenance and Cleaning $2,725,500 Reduce Spending for School Supplies and Instructional Materials $2,405,633 Reduce Substitute Coverage for Teacher Absences (Permanent or Day-by- Day Coverage) $1,285,000 Reduce Non-Mandated Transportation (would require a change in Elementary start and end times to achieve savings within transportation contract). Or Implement User Fee To be defined
Other Options to Balance the Budget FY05ProjectedBudget Reduce Non-Instructional, Other Instructional, and Support Staff (Administrators, Custodial & Maintenance, Clerical, Crossing Guards, School Nurses, Instructional Assistants and Tutors) To be defined Reduce or Eliminate Athletic Programs (7-12) or Implement User Fees $641,963 Reduce or Eliminate Non-Mandated Alternative Programs $1,111,989 Reduce or Eliminate City-Funded After School Programs, such as Community Schools $263,070 Reduce Building Maintenance and Cleaning $2,725,500 Reduce Spending for School Supplies and Instructional Materials $2,405,633 Reduce Substitute Coverage for Teacher Absences (Permanent or Day-by- Day Coverage) $1,285,000 Reduce Non-Mandated Transportation (would require a change in Elementary start and end times to achieve savings within transportation contract). Or Implement User Fee To be defined
Other Options to Balance the Budget FY05ProjectedBudget Reduce Non-Instructional, Other Instructional, and Support Staff (Administrators, Custodial & Maintenance, Clerical, Crossing Guards, School Nurses, Instructional Assistants and Tutors) To be defined Reduce or Eliminate Athletic Programs (7-12) or Implement User Fees $641,963 Reduce or Eliminate Non-Mandated Alternative Programs $1,111,989 Reduce or Eliminate City-Funded After School Programs, such as Community Schools $263,070 Reduce Building Maintenance and Cleaning $2,725,500 Reduce Spending for School Supplies and Instructional Materials $2,405,633 Reduce Substitute Coverage for Teacher Absences (Permanent or Day-by- Day Coverage) $1,285,000 Reduce Non-Mandated Transportation (would require a change in Elementary start and end times to achieve savings within transportation contract). Or Implement User Fee To be defined
Other Options to Balance the Budget FY05ProjectedBudget Reduce Non-Instructional, Other Instructional, and Support Staff (Administrators, Custodial & Maintenance, Clerical, Crossing Guards, School Nurses, Instructional Assistants and Tutors) To be defined Reduce or Eliminate Athletic Programs (7-12) or Implement User Fees $641,963 Reduce or Eliminate Non-Mandated Alternative Programs $1,111,989 Reduce or Eliminate City-Funded After School Programs, such as Community Schools $263,070 Reduce Building Maintenance and Cleaning $2,725,500 Reduce Spending for School Supplies and Instructional Materials $2,405,633 Reduce Substitute Coverage for Teacher Absences (Permanent or Day-by- Day Coverage) $1,285,000 Reduce Non-Mandated Transportation (would require a change in Elementary start and end times to achieve savings within transportation contract). Or Implement User Fee To be defined
Other Options to Balance the Budget FY05ProjectedBudget Reduce Non-Instructional, Other Instructional, and Support Staff (Administrators, Custodial & Maintenance, Clerical, Crossing Guards, School Nurses, Instructional Assistants and Tutors) To be defined Reduce or Eliminate Athletic Programs (7-12) or Implement User Fees $641,963 Reduce or Eliminate Non-Mandated Alternative Programs $1,111,989 Reduce or Eliminate City-Funded After School Programs, such as Community Schools $263,070 Reduce Building Maintenance and Cleaning $2,725,500 Reduce Spending for School Supplies and Instructional Materials $2,405,633 Reduce Substitute Coverage for Teacher Absences (Permanent or Day-by- Day Coverage) $1,285,000 Reduce Non-Mandated Transportation (would require a change in Elementary start and end times to achieve savings within transportation contract). Or Implement User Fee To be defined
Other Options to Balance the Budget FY05ProjectedBudget Reduce Non-Instructional, Other Instructional, and Support Staff (Administrators, Custodial & Maintenance, Clerical, Crossing Guards, School Nurses, Instructional Assistants and Tutors) To be defined Reduce or Eliminate Athletic Programs (7-12) or Implement User Fees $641,963 Reduce or Eliminate Non-Mandated Alternative Programs $1,111,989 Reduce or Eliminate City-Funded After School Programs, such as Community Schools $263,070 Reduce Building Maintenance and Cleaning $2,725,500 Reduce Spending for School Supplies and Instructional Materials $2,405,633 Reduce Substitute Coverage for Teacher Absences (Permanent or Day-by- Day Coverage) $1,285,000 Reduce Non-Mandated Transportation (would require a change in Elementary start and end times to achieve savings within transportation contract). Or Implement User Fee To be defined
Other Options to Balance the Budget FY05ProjectedBudget Reduce Non-Instructional, Other Instructional, and Support Staff (Administrators, Custodial & Maintenance, Clerical, Crossing Guards, School Nurses, Instructional Assistants and Tutors) To be defined Reduce or Eliminate Athletic Programs (7-12) or Implement User Fees $641,963 Reduce or Eliminate Non-Mandated Alternative Programs $1,111,989 Reduce or Eliminate City-Funded After School Programs, such as Community Schools $263,070 Reduce Building Maintenance and Cleaning $2,725,500 Reduce Spending for School Supplies and Instructional Materials $2,405,633 Reduce Substitute Coverage for Teacher Absences (Permanent or Day-by- Day Coverage) $1,285,000 Reduce Non-Mandated Transportation (would require a change in Elementary start and end times to achieve savings within transportation contract). Or Implement User Fee To be defined
Student Fees The Administration will recommend fees for: After-School PEAK & World Language ProgramAfter-School PEAK & World Language Program $100 for Student Parking Permit at High Schools$100 for Student Parking Permit at High Schools The Administration will recommend fees for: After-School PEAK & World Language ProgramAfter-School PEAK & World Language Program $100 for Student Parking Permit at High Schools$100 for Student Parking Permit at High Schools
EAW Contract Ratified
“GRAY” AREAS: State Budget $158.8 million State Budget $158.8 million
“GRAY” AREAS: Resolved for FY05
“GRAY” AREAS: $1.5 million increase From FY04
“GRAY” AREAS: State Budget
“GRAY” AREAS: State Budget
“GRAY” AREAS: State Budget
“GRAY” AREAS: State & Federal Budgets
Next Steps… House and Senate Conference Committee Resolve Budget Differences House and Senate Conference Committee Resolve Budget Differences Final State Budget Submitted to Governor For Approval or Veto (State Legislature may Override) Final State Budget Submitted to Governor For Approval or Veto (State Legislature may Override)
Next Steps… FY05 Budget for Public Hearings on Thursday, June 3rd & 17th at 4:00pm (City Hall)
your budget suggestions to… Review the budget presentations at…