G. Ruggiero/TOTEM 1 The TOTEM Experiment T1 Telescope (CSC) T1 Telescope (CSC) T2 Telescope (GEM) T2 Telescope (GEM) Roman Pots (Si Edgeless detect.) Roman.


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Presentation transcript:

G. Ruggiero/TOTEM 1 The TOTEM Experiment T1 Telescope (CSC) T1 Telescope (CSC) T2 Telescope (GEM) T2 Telescope (GEM) Roman Pots (Si Edgeless detect.) Roman Pots (Si Edgeless detect.) Gennaro Ruggiero CERN, PH Department on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration / Politecnico di Bari and Sezione INFN Bari, Italy Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio,USA Institut für Luft- und Kältetechnik, Institut für Luft- und Kältetechnik, Dresden, Germany CERN,CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Università di Genova and Sezione INFNUniversità di Genova and Sezione INFN Genova, Italy University of Helsinki and HIP, Helsinki, Finland Academy of Sciences, Praha, Czech Republic Penn State University University Park, USA Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK XI th Int. Conf. on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering, Blois, France, May 2005 TOTEM TDR is fully approved by the LHCC and the Research Board

G. Ruggiero/TOTEM 2 T1:  3.1 <  < 4.7 T2: 5.3 <  < 6.5 T1 T2 CASTOR (CMS) RP1 (147 m) RP2 (180 m) RP3 (220 m) Experimental apparatus

G. Ruggiero/TOTEM 3 3.6< lηl < 4.7 T1 TELESCOPE

G. Ruggiero/TOTEM 4 T1 telescope with CSC Read out of both cathode planesRead out of both cathode planes (192 cathode strips each) (192 cathode strips each) Anode wires:3mm pitch, 30  mAnode wires:3mm pitch, 30  m T1 trigger: combination of anode signals from different planesT1 trigger: combination of anode signals from different planes 60° ~3 m planes staggered to improve pattern recognition 5 planes of Cathode Strip Chambers Measurement of 3 coordinates per plane

G. Ruggiero/TOTEM 5 4 large size prototypes built and tested Successfully tested in 2004 Test Beam in X5

G. Ruggiero/TOTEM 6 Collar Castor Calorimeter (CMS) Vacuum Chamber 1800 mm 400 mm Bellow T2 GEM Telescope 13.5 m from IP charge amplification struct. and charge collection / readout struct. geometrically decoupled. T2 TELESCOPE with GEMs 60  m 5.3< lηl < 6.2

G. Ruggiero/TOTEM 7 GEM for the T2 Telescope Analog r/o circular strips Digital r/o pads 65(  ) x 24(  = 1536 pads Pads:  x  = 0.06 x   2x2 mm 2 __ 7x7 mm 2 Strips: 256 (width: 80  m,pitch: 400  m ) pads strips Totem GEM prototype built in 2004

G. Ruggiero/TOTEM 8 …comment the picture full size prototype built and tested in 2004

G. Ruggiero/TOTEM 9 T1 resolution :  x = 0.36 mm  y = 0.62 mm T2 resolution:  R ~115  m   ~ 16mrad   ~ 16mrad Reconstructed vertex well inside the beampipe (  ~3mm) and within  5 cm along the beam axis The primary vertex resolution is sufficient to discriminate beam-beam from beam-gas events to discriminate beam-beam from beam-gas events Primary vertex resolution R z Telescopes performances: vertex reconstruction


G. Ruggiero/TOTEM 11 Beampipes Roman Pot unit -Vertical and horizontal pots mounted as close as possible -BPM fixed to the structure gives precise position of the beam -Final prototype at the end of 2005 BPM Roman Pot stations

G. Ruggiero/TOTEM 12 shape and size of the window is defined Welding technology of the thin window is the main issue Brazing (used for the SPS) can be improved TIG welding gives better results, (i.e. planarity of 100microns) Laser and Electron-beam welding are considered for a new prototype in 2005 TIG weld cross section 200 µm Thin Window

G. Ruggiero/TOTEM 13 RF Measurements with EM Probes in the Roman Pot B-field probe E-field probe Top window 210  m thick Bottom window 140  m thick Network Analyser Wire through Roman Pot d Transmission measurement as a function of distance (d) and frequency (f) 50 dB 60 dB ~60 dB Loop (140  m window) Loop (210  m window) Pin (140  m window) d = 2mm Pin w/o window Loop w/o window Pin (210  m window) f = 40MHz

G. Ruggiero/TOTEM 14 Si Edgeless Detectors in the RPs Roman Pot in the SPS (October ‘04) stack of modules connected to the motherboard Edgeless detector module

G. Ruggiero/TOTEM 15 hybrid Flexible connections detector beam the Roman Pot hybrid Readout chip VFAT Pitch adapter on detector active edges (“planar/3D”) planar technology with CTS (Current Terminating Structure) 50  m 10  m 66 mm pitch dead area

G. Ruggiero/TOTEM 16 S/N distribution (X5 test beam October 2004) Planar with CTS edge Planar with 3D edge S/N  Based On Two Different Technologies Similar, but different advantages CTS is less “edgeless” than 3D edges CTS has bigger S/N ratio than 3D edges  Both fulfill the requirements of the Roman Pots Structure of both detectors is identical for electronics Two different type of Si Edgeless Detectors S/N of 24 for a thickness of ~350  mS/N of 16 for a thickness of ~210  m

G. Ruggiero/TOTEM 17 The Planar Detector with Current Terminating Structure (CTS) I1I1 I2I2 (1229±8)  m Metrology: (1209±10)  m Edg. Detect 1 Edg. Detect. 2 Test Beam in X5 (2003) Edg. Detect 2 Ref. Detect (strip pitch 50  m) Edg. Detect 1 Ref. Detect strip number

G. Ruggiero/TOTEM 18 Radiation Tests on Edgeless Planar Detectors Studies on irradiated silicon detectors are in progress:  No increase in the surface current with fluence (as expected)  Bulk current increases with fluence in agreement with what observed in standard planar detectors (damage factor ) These data suggest a radiation hardness for the Edgeless Planar detectors equal to the standard planar detectors up to “n”/cm 2. Surface current Bulk current I∝*ΦI∝*Φ

G. Ruggiero/TOTEM 19 Simulation with “Medici” of the equipotential lines of a p on n planar/3D structure (J. Segal) IV of the full device in one of the pre-production detectors. Planar/3D detectors: combine planar and 3D technologies  PLANAR DETECTOR + DOPANT DIFFUSED IN FROM DEEP ETCHED EDGE THEN FILLED WITH POLYSILICON (C. Kenney 1997).  Back plane physically extends at the edge.  Active volume enclosed by an electrode: “active edge” Add here photo of RP Active edges: X-ray measurement 150 mm Signal [a.u.] 5mm dead area Strip 1 Strip 2

G. Ruggiero/TOTEM 20 3D-Si Detector: Edge Sensitivity (Test Beam 2003) With high energy particle tracks With 6  m 13 keV X-rays Fit width = (3.203 ± 0.004) mm Phys. width = (3.195 ± 0.001) mm 10 – 90 % signal transition = (6 ± 2)  m Electrodes ~ 1.8% of total area

G. Ruggiero/TOTEM 21 RP test in the SPS has been successful : TOTEM has gained experience in installing and operating the system in the tunnel. Final RP prototype ready at the end of Installation in the LHC tunnel mid2006 Forward proton detectors: both technologies (Edgeless Planar & Planar 3D) are chosen. Full production & test in T1 telescope: ready for production. Integration test in CMS during Sept T2 telescope: production of a pre-series of 5 final detectors in 2005, full production in 2006 Summary: detectors

G. Ruggiero/TOTEM 22