The Cultural Heritage and Management Venture Lab Indo-Spanish Project Proposal under EuropeAid Dr A. Grijalba
The Cultural Heritage and Management Venture Lab Indo-Spanish Project Proposal under EuropeAid Dr A. Grijalba
The Cultural Heritage and Management Venture Lab Indo-Spanish Project Proposal under EuropeAid Dr A. Grijalba
The Cultural Heritage and Management Venture Lab Indo-Spanish Project Proposal under EuropeAid Dr A. Grijalba
The Cultural Heritage and Management Venture Lab Indo-Spanish Project Proposal under EuropeAid Dr A. Grijalba
The Cultural Heritage and Management Venture Lab Indo-Spanish Project Proposal under EuropeAid Dr A. Grijalba
The Cultural Heritage and Management Venture Lab Indo-Spanish Project Proposal under EuropeAid Dr A. Grijalba
The Cultural Heritage and Management Venture Lab Indo-Spanish Project Proposal under EuropeAid Dr A. Grijalba
The Cultural Heritage and Management Venture Lab Indo-Spanish Project Proposal under EuropeAid Dr A. Grijalba
The Cultural Heritage and Management Venture Lab Indo-Spanish Project Proposal under EuropeAid Dr A. Grijalba
Summary of the action Title of the action: “Cultural Heritage & Management Venture Lab” in Ahmedabad, India Number and title of the Lot Lot 2: Strengthen capacities of cultural actors for the development of a dynamic cultural sector contributing to economic growth and sustainable development Location of the action: India: Gujarat region Total duration of action 30 months Amount (in EUR) of requested EU contribution €
Objectives of the action General: Strengthen capacities of cultural agents and facilitate an environment for creativity, innovation, professionalization and entrepreneurship in Cultural Heritage & Management in order to allow the people of the region of Gujarat to fully benefit from the potential of cultural heritage as an economic value. O1.- Develop innovative strategies and permanent public-private cooperation networks O2- Promote technical support to young people and potential entrepreneurs and create awareness amongst local communities about business initiatives in cultural heritage, and promote the economic value of cultural heritage and its contribution to economic development and employment in the region O3- Encourage access to the professional market and to regional, national and Indo- European public-private networks
Target group(s) Public administrations and policymakers in charge of culture and architectural heritage; private companies dealing with architecture, restoration and related traditional crafts; artisans, and architects from the state of Gujarat and other Indian states Final beneficiaries People of the local communities of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India: administrators, young cultural entrepreneurs, architects, heritage managers, crafts people, and from tourism sector and NGOs
Estimated results R1: At least 50 public and private entities and local communities become active stake- holders in the Cultural Heritage & Management Venture Lab and its cluster, as platforms for the development of cultural industries in Gujarat R2: The existing institutions and organisations promoting cultural heritage are strengthened and develop new skills and tools to implement actions stimulating the creation of cultural industries (focusing on architectural heritage and related crafts) contributing to economic growth and sustainable development R3: At least 150 young people and/or professionals from Gujarat are motivated and supported to create cultural management enterprises specialised in architectural heritage and related crafts
Action 1 SETTING UP OF THE “CULTURAL HERITAGE & CREATIVE INDUSTRIES” CLUSTER IN AHMEDABAD 1.1 Identification of potential members of the cluster, identification of needs and drafting of the Strategic Plan 1.2 Setting up of a Public-Private Cluster of active Stakeholders on Heritage Innovation & Restoration and raising awareness campaigns of Cultural Heritage Values to local Communities and Visibility of the Venture Lab Activities
Action 2 INDIA/SPAIN CULTURAL ACTIVITIES TRAINING PROGRAM APPLIED TO CULTURAL & HERITAGE MANAGEMENT 2.1 Master Class Program on Innovation applied to Cultural Industry Management 2.2 Manual on Best Practices in Heritage & Cultural Management, Promotion and Commercialisation of new Artisans/Entrepreneurs/Cultural Activities Ahmedabad Heritage-Lab: Mentoring & Networking Program for the setting up of new Cultural Management Companies related to Heritage and Artisans
Partners Casa de la India (India House) APLICANT Valladolid City Council Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation Ahmedabad University University of Valladolid. GIRDAC Associate partners Regional Government of Castile and Leon under the “Economic Value of Cultural Heritage programme”; Fundación Patrimonio Histórico of Castile and Leon (Spanish Foundation for Cultural Heritage) CEARCAL (Regional Centre for Crafts in Castile and Leon), Urban Management Centre (Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation) City Heritage Centre (NGO in Ahmedabad).