1 High Performance Buildings Research & Implementation Center (HiPerBRIC) National Lab-Industry-University Partnership February 5, 2008
2 HiPerBRIC Role & Differentiation: Systems of Systems Basic Pre-Competitive R&D Buildings Design & Energy Analysis Windows & Lighting Sensors, Controls HVAC Power Delivery & Demand Response Demonstrations Domestic/International Policies, Regulation, Standards, Markets Natural Ventilation, Indoor Environment Integration & Building Operating Platform (BOP) Team Networks, Communications Building Materials
3 Value Derived From HiPerBRIC Creation of infrastructure and an experimental facility to reduce risk in the commercial adoption of building technologies Create a collaborative research facility for partnering among diverse stakeholders and building technology providers Train a new generation of scientists and engineers with direct access to grand challenge problems and multi-disciplinary research issues pertaining to high performance buildings
4 HiPerBRIC Value and Differentiation Strategic –Form a National Labs-Industry-Academia partnership that engages relevant stakeholders to provide the broad and deep R&D base needed to enable market transformation Technology –Focus on a systems approach to identify, develop and mature new enabling hardware and software technology to facilitate commercialization and market adoption User Facility –Create a unique facility (physical infrastructure and virtual presence) to evaluate, validate and mature new technologies in real buildings –Enable commercialization, education, and training People –Recruit and train a new generation of scientists and engineers and building industry professionals educated in systems approach to energy efficiency Jobs –Create job growth through revitalizing the US commercial buildings industry, including suppliers, builders, building operators, architects
5 HiPerBRIC Organization and Structure HiPer BRIC Executive Director Board of Directors Internal Steering Committee External Advisory Committee User Facility Collaborative Environment Component and Sub- system Testing Full-Scale System Testing Education & Training Engage & facilitate education and vocational training for research and building operation Codes/Standards, Best Practices, Policy Provide technical support for codes, standards, best practices, and policies for designing new buildings, retrofitting, and operating all buildings Demonstration Projects Use hardware and software in real buildings to achieve roadmap milestones Associate Exec. Director- Implementation Associate Exec. Director - Research Energy Systems Office Tools that enable integrated architecture and energy system design Technologies that enhance and exploit new interfaces between subsystems to reduce energy consumption Building Performance Office Technologies that enable system integration energy performance gains Test, validate, and deploy system level solutions that address roadmap
6 Challenge Problems and Technology Maturation Workshops Enabling Technology and Teaming Seedling Technology Identification & Proposals Projects Challenge Problems Consortium Steering Committee Unsolicited Proposals Increasing scale (teams, resources, demonstrations) DoD/NASAExample
7 Seed Projects Energy Systems Office Development of a Building Operating Platform (LBL) and (UCB), Funding : LBNL-LDRD ($150K); Status - Funded Building Informatics Environment Enabling Rapid Prototyping and Model Extraction for Building Automation Systems LBNL), Funding: LBNL-LDRD ($150K); Status - Funded Development and Demonstration of Integrated Lighting Systems (LBNL), Funding: LBNL-LDRD ($150K); Status - Funded Building Performance Office Data Fusion for Building Diagnostics and Operations (LBNL), Funding: LBNL-LDRD ($150K); Status - Funded Anomaly Detection and Decision Support Tools for Building Diagnostics (UTRC), Funding: UTRC- CSR ($400K); Status – Funded Demand Response/Energy Optimizing Controls Demonstration (LBNL/UTRC), Funding: NYSERDA + UTRC cost share; Status – Proposed Model-based Estimation of Dynamic Phenomena for Energy Efficient Building HVAC (UTRC) Funding: UTRC-CSR ($380K); Status – Proposed Data Assimilation for Model-Based Building Diagnostics and Control (UTRC) Funding: TBD proposal ($200K); Status – Being proposed Multi-scale Estimation for Indoor Environment Monitoring in Energy Efficient Buildings (UTRC) Funding: UTRC-CSR ($170K); Status – Proposed
8 HiPerBRIC Output 1.Identification of gaps in technology and policies based on demonstrations, field trials and market assessments 2.Intellectual property and hardware/software technologies for retrofitting, designing new buildings, and operating all buildings 3.Demonstrations, best practices, and know-how for broad scale deployment 4.Facility for users to validate, test hardware/software performance in realistic building environment to reduce risk and enable commercialization 5.Technological support for codes and standards 6.Education and training for scientists, engineers, architects and other building professionals 7.Formation of new joint ventures and business models to revitalize the buildings industry
9 HiPerBRIC Role Relative to Other Initiatives Complements and leverages other evolving commercial buildings programs working towards 2030 net zero energy consumption –Commercial Buildings Initiative (CBI) – loose confederation of activities to bring together the full spectrum of actions and players needed to transform the sector to reach 2030 targets; serves as broker, coordinator, convenor, collaborator, advocate for commercial buildings RDD&D; demonstration and deployment focus; business model focuses on building owners and users. New legislation (HR6) authorizes $20M in FY2008 growing to $200M in FY2011. CBI can provide key interface for HiPerBRIC to implementation performers and stakeholders. –California PUC Strategic Plan for New Commercial Buildings– consistent with goals of AB32 draft vision includes strategic, enabling and cross cutting initiatives addressing codes and standards, operations, financing and incentives, training and certification; includes promotion of integrated R&D and design to reach 2030 goals. HiPerBRIC meets criteria for an ‘enabling initiative’ in current draft CPUC vision. –Architecture 2030 – poses challenge to global architecture and building community to adopt a series of fossil fuel reduction targets for new and existing buildings by HiPerBRIC output will provide systems, tools and technologies to support these targets. –Getting to Fifty – resource to building community to achieve 50% improvement in energy efficiency of new building construction based on learning from success of 100 new commercial buildings with features that meet the 50% goal. HiPerBRIC will tap into these successes for feedback to research needs. Getting to Fifty™