St. Cloud Area Joint Planning District Board Sustainability Committee
St. Cloud Joint Planning District Sustainability Framework Plan Process Joint Planning District Board Sustainability Committee SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE October 2008 –Joint District Board Establishes the Sustainability Committee January 2009 –Joint District Board Authorized Sustainability Subcommittee to prepare Sustainability Framework Plan Intended to Identify and Prioritize the Direction and Actions of the Sustainability Committee
St. Cloud Joint Planning District Sustainability Framework Plan Process Joint Planning District Board Sustainability Committee SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE Charge: ”to serve as a clearinghouse of information for the general public, elected and appointed officials, and the business community regarding emerging trends and innovative practices in sustainability and green building for residential, commercial, and public projects.”
St. Cloud Joint Planning District Sustainability Framework Plan Process Joint Planning District Board Sustainability Committee SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE Membership: City of St. CloudSt. Cloud State University Stearns Electric AssociationGLT Architects Stearns CountySt. Cloud Area Env. Council St. Cloud Technical CollegeCentral Minnesota Builders Assoc. Gray Plant Mooty Law FirmWinkelman Building Corporation Benton CountyCity of Sartell City of Waite ParkSherburne County College of St. Benedict and St. John’s University
Sustainability Committee Focus Areas St. Cloud Joint Planning District Sustainability Framework Plan Process Joint Planning District Board Sustainability Committee
BPA #1 – Environmentally Preferable Purchasing BPA #2 – Product Stewardship BPA #3 – Greenhouse Gas Reductions BPA #4 – Sustainable Land Use Policies BPA #5 – Sustainable Multi-Modal Transportation BPA #6 – Alternative Energy BPA #7 – Energy Efficiency BPA #8 – Sustainable Building Practices BPA #9 – Community Health BPA #10 – Recycling and Waste Reduction BPA #11 – Healthy Urban Forests BPA #12 – Sustainability Education BPA #13 – Surface and Groundwater Resources BPA #14 – Mississippi River Water Conservation BPA #15 – Innovative Opportunities BPA #16 – Sustainable Government Policies/Practices BPA #17 – Sustainable Food Systems/Practices St. Cloud Joint Planning District Sustainability Framework Plan Process Joint Planning District Board Meeting April 23, 2009
ST. CLOUD PROJECT TIMELINE Phase 1: Education & Engagement and Update Vision & Goals This phase will include the education and engagement process with the result of developing updated vision and goals for the St. Cloud Area Joint Planning District (FALL 2009) Phase 2: Develop a Tool Box for Energy & Buildings and Planning & Natural Systems Best Practice Areas and Establish an Energy Use Baseline (WINTER 2010) Phase 3: Develop a Tool Box for Products & Waste and Public Policy Best Practice Areas (WINTER 2010) Future Phases: Develop Tool Boxes for other Best Practice Areas (SPRING/SUMMER 2010) St. Cloud Joint Planning District Sustainability Framework Plan Process Joint Planning District Board Sustainability Committee
PROJECT FUNDING Estimated Cost of Primary Tasks –$140,000 Funding Sources –Local Funds St. Cloud, Stearns, Benton, and SCSU = $ –Approved Grant Funds Stearns Electric = $5,000 –Requested Grant Funds EPA and 6 others being reviewed Other applications being prepared St. Cloud Joint Planning District Sustainability Framework Plan Process Joint Planning District Board Sustainability Committee
SUSTAINABILITY FRAMEWORK PLAN CONSULTANT Emmons & Oliver Resources –8 Firms Included in EOR Team Sanders Wacker BerglyCunningham Group Architects Eureka RecyclingSustainability Associates The Weidt GroupAlliance for Sustainability Transit for Livable Communities Unique Relevant Experiences –Burnsville Sustainability Guide Plan –LaCrosse Sustainable Strategic Plan –St. Paul Environmental Roundtable Joint Planning District Board Meeting April 23, 2009 St. Cloud Joint Planning District Sustainability Framework Plan Process
SUSTAINABILITY PLAN OUTCOMES (EOR PROJECTS) Burnsville Sustainability Plan –37 Sustainability Strategies in Policy, Standards, Operations, and Facilities –200 Implementation Activities Suggested; Many Complete or In Process City/County of LaCrosse Sustainable Strategic Plan –Consensus of Sustainability Vision –Common Understanding of Sustainability Practices/Tools –Currently Implementing Suggested Policy/Education/Facilities Actions Joint Planning District Board Sustainability Committee
St. Cloud Joint Planning District Sustainability Framework Plan Process SUSTAINABILITY PLAN OUTCOMES Joint Planning District Board Sustainability Committee Minneapolis ICLEI member Participated in CCP Completed Urban CO2 Reduction Project Plan Implementation Plans in 1997, 2005, and 2007 Reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 960,000 tons per year, at a total cost savings of $59,000,000. Other operational savings in Public Works Saint Paul Duluth ICLEI member Participated in CCP Completed Urban CO2 Reduction Project Plan Resulted in significant economic and environmental savings exceeding 365,000 tons of CO2 reduced ( ) and an annual savings of $21,642,000 Met 2005 goal of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 20% from 1988 levels ICLEI member Formed Steering Committee & City Staff Committee Participated in CCP Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Forecast Report completed with Local Action Plan included – prepared by city staff Operational changes and grants received
QUESTIONS DISCUSSION St. Cloud Joint Planning District Sustainability Framework Plan Process Joint Planning District Board Sustainability Committee