Heat and TemperatureSection 2 Specific Heat Capacity specific heat capacity (c): The amount of heat required to raise the temp. of one gram of a specific material by 1 °C
Heat and TemperatureSection 2 Specific Heat Capacity, continued Specific heat capacity describes how much energy is required to raise an object’s temperature. Specific heat capacity is a characteristic physical property of matter – It is represented by c. Specific heat capacity can be used to figure out how much energy it takes to raise an object’s temperature.
Heat and TemperatureSection 2 Specific Heat Capacity, continued Specific Heat Capacity Units -calories (cal), -kilocalories a.k.a. Calories (Cal), -or Joules (J) Specific Heat of Water = 1 cal g·ºC What does this mean?
Heat and TemperatureSection 2 Specific Heat Capacity, continued Specific Heat Equation (on your formula sheet) Total heat energy = temperature mass specific heat capacity Total Heat = mcT Δ heat energy = Δ temperature mass specific heat capacity Q = mc Δ T
Heat and TemperatureSection 2 Variable SymbolUnits ∆ Heat Q cal or J (Joules) Mass mg Sp. Ht. Cap. C J or cal g·°C ∆Temp. ∆T°C or K
Heat and TemperatureSection 2 Values of Specific Heat at 25 °C
Heat and TemperatureSection 2 Math Skills Specific Heat Capacity Calculations How much energy must be transferred as heat to 200 g of water in a bathtub to raise the water’s temperature from 25 °C to 37 °C?
Heat and TemperatureSection 2 Math Skills, continued 2. Write down the specific heat equation. energy = cm T 3. Substitute the specific heat, mass, and temperature change values, and solve.
Heat and TemperatureSection 2 Specific Heat, continued Heat raises an object’s temperature or changes the object’s state. –While a substance is melting or boiling, the temperature does not change.
Heat and TemperatureSection 2 Visual Concept: Heating Systems
Heat and TemperatureSection 2 Visual Concept: Refrigeration