Presented on behalf of UCAAN by: Jacques Boyer, Deputy Representative, UNICEF Nepal Satish Raj Pandey, Deputy Director, FHI Nepal Presented at 9th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific August 11, 2009 Universal Access for Children Affected by AIDS in Nepal (UCAAN) A Public-Private Partnership
HIV and children in Nepal – Children living in households with HIV positive parents and/or caregivers are still not visible – Children who have lost one parent or both to AIDS are still not visible – Stigma and discrimination is still prevalent – Significant needs for protection, education, nutrition, healthcare Numbers are low enough in Nepal where we can reach all children through galvanized efforts The numbers are high enough that if we do not do something, we will be held accountable Total estimated people living with HIV – 70,000 (NCASC 2007) Estimated infected cased – 1,857 children (NCASC 2007) Source: NAPN Are the rights Children Affected by AIDS (CABAs) fulfilled?
Political commitment for CABA NAP recognizes the need to provide comprehensive package for CABA. Examples include: – Support to children needing ARV – Impact mitigation (positive prevention, CHBC and livelihood support) Estimated budget needs (US $ 1.1 million over 3 years) Functional Children and AIDS Technical Working Group Situational assessment and size estimations planned SAARC Regional Strategic framework for Protection, care and Support of CABA in place National strategy and guidelines on CABA planned
What is UCAAN? A national open partnership which focuses on achieving universal access to treatment, care and support for CABA Launched in November 2007 by UNICEF, National Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS Nepal, FHI and USAID Nepal Comprises 38 partners including 9 core partners UCAAN Media Private Sector Hospitals Donor Community Civil Society Embassies United Nations Agencies UNCAAN aims to: Advocate for the rights of affected children and their families Promote community involvement for protection, care and support for CABA Advocate for treatment and care of CABA and households Contribute to the development of guidelines and strategies for child-and family centered programs Advocate for resource mobilization
UCAANs added value & PPP Bringing diverse partners together for common cause Mapping of National CABA Program information Leveraging financial and other support from private partners for CABA related work Being a collective driving force of advocacy for CABA in Nepal – Advocacy for the rights of CABA within child-friendly constitution – Contributing to national CABA policy development processes
Strategies adopted for engaging the private sector Engagement - One-to-one meetings with private sector partners Incentives - Orientation of private sector partners on their benefits from UCAAN partnership Clarity - Clearly articulated support plan Partnership - Frequent meetings between partners for key decision making Transparency - Open and timely communication between partners
Results to date and future plan 16 private sector agencies pledged support Private sector representation include: pharmaceutical companies, advertising agencies, media houses, food and beverage companies, banks, insurance companies, Hotel Association of Nepal Pledged support includes (cash and kind) – Fund raising events – Free UCAAN publicity/publications – Revenue share from product sale – Donated medicines – Placement of donation boxes – Direct monetary assistance Next steps: – All partners meeting – Universal childrens day - November 20 – September 14 - National Children day – Continued advocacy for CABA UCAAN Private Sector Workshop