1 TojikInfo National adaptation of DevInfo in Tajikistan Current Status and Way Forward Access to Data Farhod Khamidov M&E Officer, UNICEF Tajikistan 19 March 2009 IDEAS GA meeting
History Series of DI user seminars, trainings and presentations in DevInfo resource center in Goscomstat in 2007 MOU was signed between UNFPA, UNDP & UNICEF in June 2007 on DevInfo National Roll- out In May 2008 agreement was signed with SCS for the ownership of DI databases Launch of TojikInfo in
3 Coordination among donors UNICEF and UNCU are providing technical and financial support till end of 2009; TojikInfo is part of the WB supported 5 years project on Improving the Statistical Infrastructure; TojikInfo is a part of ADB supported PRS monitoring system (trends and dissemination) TojikInfo is a part of HMIS supported by EC;
4 Role of Resource Center Easy access to quality data for evidence based policy making; Monitoring of National and Global commitments (PRS, MDG) at national, regional and local levels; Advocacy and wide dissemination of the data; Establish an internal and external data sharing coordination mechanism; Regularly updating the database for the data to be used for current analyzes and planning;
5 Current status National databases MICS Tajikistan (all indicators Eng-Rus-Taj) TLSMS 2007 (Eng-Rus) Gender Info (48 indicators Eng-Rus) Tajikistan Development Database (48 Eng-Rus) Covering 4 Geographical level Data from 1995 to 2008 Primary data sources, National & Global reports
6 Second Part of Presentation (online presentation)
Key challenges and drives for success Challenges Resistance; Human factor and personal interests; Capacity; Ownership; Drivers of success Demonstrate the full capacity and results; Exchange of experience (Serbia); Involving of other players (donors, government); 7
8 Next Steps Focus on use and dissemination; Improve electronic data exchange culture; Advocate through thematic monitoring reports; SCS as a key player in coordination (data users vs. data administrators); Better ownership and integration TojikInfo to other MIS systems;