Physique and Body Type SOMATOTYPING
Something to think about! What makes Osafa Powell the fastest man on the planet? What makes Paula Radcliffe a world class marathon runner? What makes Joel Stewart the Worlds Strongest Man?
Somatotyping These are the extremes of body shape. Our sporting success comes from a combination of ability and appropriate body shape. There are three basic body types called SOMATOTYPES. These are the extremes of body shape.
You could say Somatotyping is a way to describe build or body shape. These are: ENDOMORPH MESOMORPH ECTOMORPH
Endomorph Pear or (oval/rounded) Wide hips Rounded head Lot of fat especially in the centre of the body, upper arms and thighs ..\GCSE FOLDERS PE\Diet & Physique\endomorph.WMV
Sporting Examples Endomorphs tend to be most suited to activities such as Darts Shot putters Discus Throwers
Mesomorph Wedge shaped with wide shoulders and narrow hips. Strong muscular arms and legs. Little or no fat. ..\GCSE FOLDERS PE FROM \Diet & Physique\Atlanta 100m final.avi
Mesomorph Mesomorph’s tend to be suited to most sporting activities. Sprinters Rowers Weight Lifters
Ectomorph Thin and lean with narrow shoulders and hips. Thin arms/legs. Little fat and fragile frame Little muscle bulk.
Ectomorph Ectomorph’s tend to be suited to sports such as, Marathon Running High Jumping Basketball
What am I? A person does not usually fit into just one of these categories and in fact extreme cases of the three are rare. Most people will have a mixture of the three types in their own body shape.
For example Andrew Flintoff Some mesomorph characteristics such as wide shoulders, and muscular, however also has wide hips, characteristics of an Endomorph.
Your Shape Your shape will also determine how high a level you will reach in each Component of fitness such as speed strength stamina and also therefore are certain body types more suited to ballet than shot putters and sumo-wrestling. As a result often top level competitors of a sport often have similar body shapes and are usually mesomorph>
For example these young ladies… ..\GCSE FOLDERS PE FROM \Diet & Physique\eric_prydz-call_on_me.mpeg
Lower level competitors Usually have a mixture of body types I.e Sunday League football, or netball.
Example ..\GCSE FOLDERS PE \Diet & Physique\YouTube - sunday league football.mht
Remember You cannot actually do much to alter your body type. Why is this? It is due to your genes and inheritance. However diets can change your fat levels and strength training can increase your muscle mass but they will not drastically affect your body type.