Teaching in Inclusive Classrooms Week 13 Nov 18 – 24, 2013
Agenda Check-in Review of Quiz – examples Modification/Accommodation Terminology Final Lesson Plan Assignment Overview Rough Draft due Sunday, Nov 24 (5 points) Essential Questions Lesson Planning Questions Your questions! Activity Conclusion
Announcement! The third assignment (in place of the blog) titled “Notes on Teaching Students with ELN Topic 3” is postponed until Dec 6. It will be described in week 15 and will be due Sunday, Dec 8. The last 2 components of the “Strategies Notebook” (assignment and quiz supposed to be due Week 15, Dec 8) are no longer required. Their topics overlapped with Notes Topic 2. To reiterate: our original assignments under Strategies Notebook #4: Examples of Scaffolding Strategies (15 points) is no longer required as of Nov 18. Point totals will be adjusted accordingly.
Quiz Review and Justice Forum Layered Curriculum Explanations Mnemonic Devices Save your answers in your “Strategies Notebook” Examples: Please open Word doc on Moodle Week 13: “Various Descriptions of Strategies” Thanks for sharing!
Modification?Accommodation? Please refer to the reading on the main page of Moodle class Week 5 Sept 23 – 29 Modifications adjust or adapt the presentation of the material for the learning needs, not always reducing content or lowering difficulty. Modifications MAY affect the content, difficulty and even the grade received by the student, but that is not always the case. Accommodations provide the means for a student with exceptional learning needs to access to the same content and difficulty level as their peers.
SED Lesson Plan Template box for Modifications/Accommodations Please open Moodle page Week 13 (today) Description in Weekly Guide on Moodle: “Second Assignment Notes” This will give you a general overview of how to list the modifications and accommodations You must state what you plan to do on every one of your 10 Lesson Plans for your Unit Plan If you do not have any students need modifications or accommodations, state that in the box.
Final Lesson Plan Scoring Each category has a point value so that a perfect score would total 45 points. (Rough draft is 5 points. Combined scores total 50 points or 25% of your course grade.) Each of the 5 categories are evaluated: 9 points for “Strong” 7 points for “Proficient” 5 points for “Developing” 3 points for “Beginning” Additional 2 points for completed SED Lesson Plan Template Please look at the Rubric in Week 13 on Moodle.
Final Lesson Plan Assignment Details: Total # pages for paper: min 5 max 8 double-spaced 12 pt. font plus examples (unlimited) i.e. actual modified worksheet, graphic organizer, note-taking chart etc. See Rubric for more details on each section’s length and style Scoring: Total possible points: 45 45/45 = A 35/45 = B 25/45 = C 15/45 = D
Review of Rubric for Final Lesson Plan Open document on Moodle Week 13 “Final Lesson Plan Rubric” 5 Categories Point system for levels: Strong, Proficient, Developing, Beginning totals 45 points Completed SED Lesson Plan Template additional 2 pts
What are your questions? Essential Questions Discuss Wiggins’ article Lesson Planning Questions Discuss Word doc What are your questions?
Activity Goal: Describe verbally the chart on Week 13 Moodle page Steps: I’ve posted a diagram on Week 13. It shows 5 circles arranged in a circular pattern. Each one has a teaching and learning term in it, and arrows representing their relationships to each other connect them in various ways. Your task is to silently examine this chart for a minute. Then think about the questions on the next slide. They are about describing this diagram. Compose your verbal description (make written notes if you like.) Share with the group. On the left is EVALUATION with five arrows pointing in five directions to circle on the right labeled PURPOSES AND OBJECTIVES which is pointing to CONTENT which is pointing to INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES which is pointing to LEARNING OUTCOMES which is pointing to EVALUATION again creating the circle.
Questions How could you describe this chart to a person with low vision? How could you transcribe your description into written words? What connections will you describe first, last? How will you describe these connections? How will you illustrate with words? Why do you think the arrows go the way they do? Does it have something to do with how the topics relate to one another? How can you best “show” the relationships in your description?
Share your Description
My attempt… On the left is EVALUATION with five arrows pointing in five directions to circle on the right labeled PURPOSES AND OBJECTIVES which is pointing to CONTENT which is pointing to INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES which is pointing to LEARNING OUTCOMES which is pointing to EVALUATION again creating the circle. The arrows radiating out from EVALUATION go… The arrows create a circle connecting…
Conclusion Remember to have an inclusive approach to your lesson planning Know your students and their learning needs Set high goals to address Essential Questions Follow Standards State observable and measureable outcomes Consider a variety of methods and techniques including Backwards Design and Layered Curriculum Plan and implement Universal Design for Learning