W ELCOME Shanna Brooks, NCESD WaKIDS Coordinator Janelle Bersch, Local Lead Agency Representative & Family Resource Coordinator Shelley Seslar, Managing Director Safe & Civil Schools 2
A GENDA GOLD Honor Roll Navigating GOLD Fast Facts Key Dates Leading WaKIDS Learning about WaKIDS There’s more... OSPI Contacts 3
T HANK Y OU ! Thank you for leading the implementation of WaKIDS in your school! Your support of teachers, students and families will make WaKIDS work well for everyone. 4
I NTER - RATER R ELIABILITY H ONOR R OLL Moses Lake SD Barb Franz Cara Galbraith Kandace Klenz Shelley Cobb Tamara Gray Wenatchee SD Amy Dorey Brooke Page Carmen Yanez Cheri Dundas Katie Stefanides Lani Lynch Mary Berdine Michelle Connor Patricia Cone Renee Wilkins Rosemary Tiffany Sarah Ferrians Stephanie Ross Susan Reed Manson Carolyn Mason Kathy Madden Quincy Cathy MacDonald Glenys Stadleman Soap Lake Clara Oberne Maggie Reynolds Orondo Carol Steichen Kim Hoofnagle Bridgeport Mary Avalos Brewster Cindy Brown LaDonna Mattson Stacey Thoren 5
N AVIGATING GOLD You have Administrative Privileges Your username and password will arrive via from Please contact Michelle Mullins at OSPI 6
F AST F ACTS All state-funded full-day kindergarten classrooms Required participation in All teachers assessing student using GOLD must be trained before receiving their username & passcode Inter-Rater Reliability completion is highly recommended 7
K EY D ATES October 31, 2012 Teachers must finalize their evaluations of children in the Teaching Strategies GOLD System November 28, 2012 Teacher/Principal workshop to learn how to use Teaching Strategies Reports Registration open soon at ESDWorks January 2013 WaKIDS Data released on OSPI School Report Card 8
L EADING W A KIDS Prioritize or Direct resources Provide additional paraprofessional or coaching time to kindergarten teachers Provide hand-held resources If available; iPads, tablets, cameras to assist teachers in documenting evidence of children's development Make Connections Assist teachers in seeing the connections between WaKIDS, Common Core, and other district assessments Collaborate Schedule time with and for teachers to check on their progress and provide an open door of support Communicate Contact your ESD WaKIDS Coordinator for technical assistance 9
L EARNING ABOUT W A KIDS Familiarize yourself with the WaKIDS program and website Teaching Strategies video Watch the 10 minute video on Navigating the Teaching Strategies GOLD website to manage your classrooms and reports 10
T HERE ’ S M ORE... Three Components of WaKIDS Whole-Child Assessment gives kindergarten teachers information about the social and emotional, physical, cognitive and linguistic development of the children in their classrooms, so they may tailor their instruction to the individual needs of each child. Family Connection welcomes families into the Washington K-12 system as partners in their child’s education. Early Learning Collaboration aligns practices of early learning professionals and kindergarten teachers to support smooth transitions for children. 11
OSPI C ONTACTS Kathe Taylor, Director, Early Learning Assessment Gretchen Stahr Breunig, Professional Development Coordinator 12