European Center for Renewable Energy in Güssing D.I. Dean Marcelja 2008 ECRE GÜSSING INTERNATIONAL AG i.G.
2 Once upon a time, somewhere in Europe …
3 … where the roads ended… Güssing
4 50 years border region to Hungary no industry high rate of unemployment 70% population commuting to Vienna… high migration rate small structured agricultural fields no traffic infrastructure …problems, problems…
5 Concept for a local energy supply from renewable energy sources The Güssing Model Solution
7 Background Idea Cash flow - expenditures for energy imports (mostly of fossil origin) 1991 © EEE 2005 Achieved regional benefit (City of Güssing) 2007 > € 14,5 Mio + € 14 Mio € € 6,2 Mio
8 Values remaining within the region New jobs (tax income raising) Less traffic due to less commuters Independency Stable prices Secured supply No political tensions CO 2 - reduction Energy-Turnaround Benefits of going for regional renewable energy supply Kap.2
9 Güssing City: 50 new companies over new jobs net income of 9 Mio. EUR/year energy sales volume > 13 Mio. EUR/year wood consumption of t/year Güssing County: Due to 45% self-sufficiency in total energy supply, the region profits EUR 18 Mio p.a. Potential when 100% self-sufficiency goal achieved: -> EUR 37 Millionen p.a. Values achieved within the past 10 years
10 Municipal Tax Development
11 Renewable Energy Ratio Comparison (%)
12 Global energy mix until 2100 Global energy mix until 2100 The future of Photovoltaic
Sun Waste Wood Sawdust ResourcesTechnologiesEnergy Forms Grass, Corn, Clover Canola Oil, Cooking Oil Photovoltaics Solar plant Gas Biomass Combustion Biomass Combustion Thermical Gasification District Heating Grid Trans- esterification Rapskuchen Dampf Steam Turbine Gas Engine Fuel Cell Methanisation Fischer-Tropsch Biogas Gas Public Electricity Grid Electricity Fuels Heat Wood Chips Pyroforce Gas Engine Gas RME Glycerin RME Gas
14 Energy Self-Sufficient Region Güssing County
15 Energy Independent County Distribution of Power Plants
16 Power Plants in Güssing
17 Biomass Power Plant
18 District Heating Plant Güssing
19 Urbersdorf Combined Plant
20 Biogas Power Plant
21 Power Plant „II“ Güssing
22 The ̏ ökoEnergieland˝ Eco- Tourism Overnight stays: Source: EEE Güssing GmbH; municipal office Güssing: Feb Güssing CityGüssing Region >
23 Güssing Highlight 1st hi-tech production Worldwide of renewable energy hardware equipment powered entirely with renewable energy from within the region…
24 -Production Start Q2/2008 -Full Capacity as of Q4/ MW/year (~ 20 Mio. Cells) ≙ electricity consumption of households -140 highly trained employees -Investment: € 60 Mio. BLUE CHIP ENERGY GmbH 1 st Austrian High-Efficiency Solar Cells Production
25 Wafers Solar cell Modular system Ingot Sand Silicium 65% value added in Austria! PV Supply Chain
26 Win Win Situation for ALLCraftsmen Public Sector Industry Agriculture Wood Industry Households YOU HAVE TO DO IT YOURSELF!
27 P ublic P rivate P artnership - Model Local Energy Supply Co. 51%49% CEO Energy Manager Community Local Strat. Partners contracting central district heating Ltd. biomass power plant Ltd. biogas power plant Ltd. energy saving PV power plant Ltd.
28 Services provided in Güssing Energy Concepts Feasibility Studies (Power Plants, Financing,...) Education Schooling Solarteur Energy Manager for Communities Investments in Local Energy Supply Companies Technology Moderation (neutral)
29 Energy Partnerships Networking of Communities Renewable Energy Development Plan means Integral Concept ! There is not much time left, we have to act fast!
30 Centralised (monopolised) Energy Supply (-concepts) means DEPENDENCY!
31 Decentralised Energy Supply s Güssings in Europe Güssing Your Place?
32 The Message EU is over 90 % DEPENDENT on conventional / fossile energy and energy imports!! -> NO FUTURE THIS WAY Decision making regarding energy supply must be within the Community itself!! We stand AGAINST monopoly of knowledge and any other kind of monopoly, we stand FOR really free exchange and equal level play. Communities can and should show the way! RE-think!
33 Renewable Energy Village Güssing Renewable Energy Village This was the story of a small, unfaltering renewable energy village, surrounded by legions of fossil energy sources trying to take over the little village. But the village has a magic potion - - ENERGYMIX - made of renewable energy sources!
34 Contact ECRE Güssing International AG (European Centre for Renewable Energy) Europastraße 1 A-7540 Güssing Tel.: Fax: Web: Mail: