CANDIDATE TEACHING SUMMIT PRESENTATION By: Brittany Johnson Spring 2012 “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” -William Bulter Yates WEBSITE
INTRODUCTION Brittany Johnson Early Childhood Education major Conducted Candidate teaching at Blue Ridge Elementary Placed in 1st Grade Collaborating teacher: Amanda McBride Taught Reading/ELA
BLUE RIDGE ELEMENTARY Home to about 500 students in grades K-5 Located in Blue Ridge, Georgia It is 1 of 3 elementary schools in Fannin County Current principal is Shannon Miller Current assistant principal is Shannon York 53% if students qualify for free/reduced lunch BRES made AYP!!!
MY CLASSES Consisted of 45 students total. 33 Boys 24 Girls 43 Caucasion 1 Hispanic 1 African American 1 Gifted Student 12 RTI students
MY SCHEDULE 7:30-7:45 Morning Work/Greeting 7:45-8:15 Breakfast 8:15-10:10 1 st Rotation (McBride’s Homeroom) 10:10-11:00 NBI 11:00-11:50 Activity 11:50-12:00 Story Time 12:00-12:30 Lunch 12:30-12:55 Recess 12:55-2:45 2 nd Rotation (Quinn’s Homeroom) 2:45 Parent Pick Up/Early Bus 3:30 Late Bus
IN THE BEGINNING… Nervous Am I ready? Excited Anxious
Domain 1: Planning For Differentiated Instruction & Assessment Proficiency 1.0: The teacher candidate uses knowledge of curriculum, learner differences, and ongoing assessment data to plan for student access to the same essential content. Reflective Analysis: How did you use knowledge of curriculum, learner differences, and ongoing assessment data to plan for student access to the same essential content?
DOMAIN 1 Artifacts Lesson Plan #1 Lesson Plan #2 Lesson Plan #3 “Ireland” PowerPoint Lesson Plan #4 “Rainbow” PowerPoint
Domain 2: Providing Differentiated Instruction & Assessment Proficiency 2.0: The teacher candidate utilizes a variety of strategies to differentiate instruction and assessment. Reflective Analysis: How did you utilize a variety of strategies to differentiate instruction and assessment?
Domain 2 Artifacts Various Assessment Activities Student Work Classroom Management System Favorite websites used
The Card System Each student starts the day with 4 cards. Pink (5 minutes) Yellow (10 minutes) Orange (15 minutes) Green (All of recess) Having to be redirected by the teacher will result in having to pull a card. Each card is worth some recess time. If a student pulls all four cards in one day, this will result in being written up and going to the office.
Domain 3: Impacting Student Learning Proficiency 3.0: The teacher candidate uses systematic formal/informal assessment as an ongoing diagnostic activity to measure student growth and to guide, differentiate, and adjust instruction. Reflective Analysis: How did you use systematic formal/informal assessment as an ongoing diagnostic activity to measure student growth and to guide, differentiate, and adjust instruction?
Domain 3 Artifacts Analysis of Impact on Student Learning Observation #1 Observation #2 Observation #3 Observation #4 Completed Assessment Tools Rubric
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities in Support of Differentiated instruction & Assessment Proficiency 4.0: The teacher candidate displays a professional commitment to the teaching philosophy of differentiated instruction to support students’ diverse learning needs and to maximize learning. Reflective Analysis: How did you display a professional commitment to the teaching philosophy of differentiated instruction to support students’ diverse learning needs and to maximize learning?
Professional Development Activities January 9, 2012 DATA Day January 25, 2012 ELA Vertical Alignment Meeting February 9, 2012 School Improvement Team Meeting February 17, 2012 Professional Learning Day March 13, 2012 DATA Day March 26, 2012 Faculty Meeting March 29, 2012 Meeting with Ron Coniglio Weekly Grade Level Meetings Parent/Teacher Conferences RTI Meetings
PHILOSOPHY OLD VS. NEW OLD Philosophy NEW Philosophy * Parent support is very important. * Parent support is very important, but I realize that this unrealistic in most cases. *Learning should be student-centered. * SAME * There is no such thing as a bad child. Just bad decisions. * I have become more aware of student needs * I feel better prepared to accommodate and address all students specific needs.
PAGE Professional Organization of Georgia Educators
Continuing Plan to Develop as a Professional Educator... -Be a life long learner. -Read articles. -Eventually get my masters degree. -Special Education Certification.
Advice For Future Candidate Teachers… Enjoy every minute! Don’t be afraid to try new things. Experience as many things as you possibly can. Be extremely organized. Talk to as many teachers and staff members as you can. These people are your connections. MOST OF ALL HAVE FUN!!!!
CONCLUSION This semester has been an amazing experience. I Feel like I have grown tremendously over the past four months. I have enjoyed working with so many great teachers and staff members at Blue Ridge Elementary School. They have all gave my many words of wisdom and encouragement along the way, and for that I am very grateful!