The Güssing Model An example for a sustainable energy supply Christian Keglovits.


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Presentation transcript:

The Güssing Model An example for a sustainable energy supply Christian Keglovits

Sonntag, 20. September 2015 Network EEE takes care of… Demo- plants Research & Development Advanced Training Service Ecoenergy Tourism

20. September 2015 Güssing Our Güssing …

20. September 2015 Güssing Location Burgenland Area (km²)3.966 Population District of Güssing Area (km²)485 Population Town of Güssing Area (km²)49,3 Population3.764

20. September 2015 Güssing Situation at the end of the 1980s 50 years alongside iron curtain no industry no industry high rate of unemployment high rate of unemployment 70% commuters 70% commuters high rate of migration high rate of migration small structured agriculture small structured agriculture bad traffic infrastructure bad traffic infrastructure

20. September 2015 Güssing …is the strategy of a decentralized local energy production with the existing renewable resources of a region! The Güssing Model … to get independent from fossil energy in order to strengthen the regional added value! This strategy can be adapted individually wherever resources are available. The Goal:

20. September 2015 Güssing Out of these resources we are producing… Heat, Electricity, synthetic Natural Gas, synth. liquid fuels

20. September 2015 Güssing The district heating system of Güssing Since 1996: Gradual grid-development Current grid 35km Convincing arguments: No loss of comfort! Stable energy price!

20. September 2015 Güssing District Heating Grid

20. September 2015 Güssing Costs of heating

20. September 2015 Güssing Parador Parkett

20. September 2015 Güssing The district heating system of Güssing 4 heat sources (2 CHPs & 2 district heating plants), 35km grid, approx 85% of all private households, more than 21,5 MW capacity

20. September 2015 Güssing Biomass power plant- wood gasification Heat Electricity Synth. Natural Gas (BioSNG) Liquid synth. fuels Since MW electr./ 4,5MW heat

20. September 2015 Güssing Methanisation demonstration plant Güssing 420kWh heat and 182 Nm³ BioSNG produced out of 1 ton of wood chips 1Nm³ SNG -> 10kWh Since 2008

20. September 2015 Güssing Research in Güssing – Production of 2nd Generation Fuels Since 2009 location of K1-Research center and Güssing Energy Technologies GmbH Fischer Tropsch Research Plant SGC Energia

20. September 2015 Güssing Heat Electricity Biomethan Gas filling station Anaerobic digestion plants Güssing & Strem

20. September 2015 Güssing Energy balance – town of Güssing Total annual demand (2011): heat (30GWh private) 60 GWh electricity (8GWh private, 36,4GWh industry, 7,5GWh others) 45,14 GWh fuels (17,5GWh private) 29GWh Annual production of energy (2011): heat – 4 biomass-district heating plants & 3 CHPs 56GWh electricity – 3 CHP plants 28,2GWh Since 2009 Methanisation (Prod. synth. natural gas) projected8,4GWh/a Current degree of self sufficiency heat and electricity: regarding private households, public buildings and industries 80%

Sonntag, 20. September 2015 For the town of Güssing More than 50 new companies and More than new jobs in the last 20 years Total sales volume of energy € 7,8 Mio. a year net (2010) Total wood consumption tons a year The added value

20. September 2015 Güssing CO ² Emissions in Güssing CO2 Emissions: 2009: t/a 1996: t/a

20. September 2015 Güssing Model region - ökoEnergieland Tobaj Güssing St. Michael Güttenbach Neustift Heiligenbrunn Strem Moschendorf Eberau Deutsch Schützen Bildein Klein- mürbisch Groß- mürbisch Inzenhof Kohfidisch 66 model regions in Austria ökoEnergieland – 15 communities

20. September 2015 Modell Güssing - EEE ökoEnergieland – Strategy Biogas Gas Storage Heat Upgrading Plant (CH-4) Filling Stations Natural Gas Grid Biogas Grid Biogas Plant Dehydrating & Desulphurization Electricity Container Gasengine

20. September 2015 Güssing Geplantes Biogasnetz - ökoEnergieland

20. September 2015 Güssing Feedstock Association- ökoEnergieland Feedstock in Communities wood Forrest in public property Common private forrest area Wood along rivers Pruning of trees, shrubs, pruning of vines Waste wood Short rotation Agricultural Grass strips along municipal roads Grass strips along rivers etc

Europastraße 1Tel.: / A-7540 GüssingFax: / Europäisches Zentrum für Erneuerbare Energie Güssing GmbH Thank you for your attention