The Importance of Improving Energy Efficiency
Using Solar Energy to Provide Heat and Electricity Passive solar heating Active solar heating
Using Solar Energy to Provide High- Temperature Heat and Electricity Solar thermal systems -tracker/concentrator or power towers Solar thermal systems -tracker/concentrator or power towers Photovoltaic (PV) cells
Producing Electricity from Moving Water Large-scale hydropower Small-scale hydropower Pumped-storage hydropower Tidal power plant Wave power plant
Producing Electricity from Wind
Producing Energy from Biomass Biofuels Biomass plantations Crop residues Animal manure Biogas Ethanol Methanol
Geothermal Energy Geothermal reservoirs Dry steam Wet steam Hot water Molten rock Hot dry-rock zones
Geothermal Reservoirs
The Solar-Hydrogen Revolution Extracting hydrogen efficiently Storing hydrogen Fuel cells
Electric and Hybrid Cars Rechargeable battery systems Hybrid electric-internal combustion engine Fuel cells
Solutions: A Sustainable Energy Strategy