Gas: The Transition Fuel Ulco Vermeulen International Gas Union
IGU December From fossil to sustainable energy Fossil Energy Sustainable Energy Gas: a transition fuel to bridge the gap
IGU December From efficient to sustainable gas Efficient Gas Decentralized Gas Substitution Gas Sustainable Gas Short term long term
IGU December Efficient Gas Short term realisable Easy Beneficial Still major savings possible
IGU December Decentralized Gas Already operational Next step: bring to scale Self sufficiency Virtual Power Plant Security of supply
IGU December Substitution Gas The cleanest fossil fuel Major carbon dioxide reduction Short term as well as medium term Large quantities
IGU December Sustainable Gas Medium and long term Biogas Clean Gas (Renewable) Hydrogen
IGU December Gas should bridge the gap Sensible first steps Ingenious developments Long term view
IGU December Transition management: characteristics Market and government team up together and take a course (transition path) Along the way, the destination will form gradually Process-driven as well as content- driven
IGU December Transition management: lay-out The Netherlands 5 Areas 1.Gas 2.Integrated efficiency 3.Green materials 4.Motor fuels 5.Electricity Transition Management Gas Transition 4 Paths 1.Efficiency 2.Cogeneration 3.Biogas 4.Hydrogen Cogeneration 5 Projects 1.Micro generation (Stirling) 2.Virtual Power Plant 3.Fuel cells 4.Etc.
IGU December Our approach (1) Tour d’horizon Identify signals, similarities and impediments in the market Workshops: which way to go Associate parties: frontrunners Statements leading to manifesto Political support
IGU December Our approach (2) Frontrunners Projects Arena Long-term view catalyst think tank director
IGU December Essentials of projects Feasibility and practicability Coalitions Venture capital Technology embedded within (social) environment Marketing Sensible and ingenious (not always simplicity)
IGU December An example: Virtual Power Plant Micro cogeneration units units to be installed Link units into virtual power plant Issues also of organisational nature: Value of produced electricity Interest of general public Contracts, metering, control, etc.