Solar Energy - P.5 Biogas – P.10 Nuclear Power – P.15
Defining of Alternative fuels Any materials/substances can be used as a fuel Include Biodiesel Bioalcohol Eg:Ethanol, Butanol Batteries and Fuel cells etc. Hydrogen Non-fossil methane Non-fossil natural gas Vegetable oil Other biomass sources.
Renewable Energy A energy source amount that can be produced at a faster rate than our using rate For example, Solar energy and Nuclear energy are two different kinds of renewable energy
Importance of Renewable energy Unlimited supply Preventing energy resources deficiently Environmentally friendly
The most common renewable energy
Solar energy Technology of obtaining usable energy from the sun light Use lots of mirrors to reflect the rays onto a boiler then the water in the boiler heats up to become steam that turns the turbine Collect by solar panels Most common uses in daily Solar panels
Common uses Domestic use Supply heat or hot water Desalination of seawater Air-conditioning Generate electricity 1.Greenhouse energy supply 2.Solar energy calculating machine 3.Solar transportation Space explore An Earth observation satellite
International Solar Cities initiative Australia carry out this cause more than 4 city to be Solar City The first Europe solar factory Spain built it in Seville on 30 March,2007 Rising the sum of Solar energy California increase the maximum of generate solar energy
Pros & Cons of Solar energy Easy to collect Manifold Using No by-product Secure Expensive to build panels Seasonal Can’t work in dim light condition
Natural renewable energy
Biogas Refers to a gas produced by the 1.Anaerobic digestion 2.Fermentation of organic matter manure sewage sludge municipal solid waste biodegradable waste Containing Methane
Produce of Biogas Mainly production is anaerobic digestion for treating biodegradable waste Valuable fuel can be produced while destroying pathogens and reducing the volume of wastes Anaerobic digestion component
Methane Molecular formula CH 4 Not toxic Highly flammable May form explosive mixtures with air Greenhouse gas with a greater global warming potential than CO 2 Attractive fuel 1.Methane's relative abundance 2.Clean burning process CH 4 + 2O 2 → CO 2 + 2H 2 O
Pros & Cons of Biogas Reduce the volume of wastes Cheapest Just reuse wastes Dangerous Forms explosive mixtures Will cause global warming Methane is Greenhouse gas
The most dangerous alternative energy
Nuclear Power Nuclear power is energy released from the atomic nucleus Mainly uses Uranium-235 or Plutonium-239 A Controversial energy As of 2004,nuclear power provided 6.5% of the world's energy and 15.7% of the world's electricity
How to produce electricity!? 1.Nuclear fuels break down in a controlled way to generate Heat 2.The heat is used to boil water to steam 3.The steam drives the turbine 4.Turbine produces electricity Producing electricity
Common uses Mainly for generation of electricity Heavy-duty weapons use it for power source Additional, hydrogen production by generation of electricity Factory
Why Nuclear energy cannot replace fossil fuel? Expensive to construct & run a nuclear power station The purpose of petroleum is wider The required technique level is higher Safer for using fossil fuel 1.Accidents will destroy the environment 2.Effect the surrounding population’s health 3.The wastes are radioactive The waste heat of produce Nuclear power is difficult to reduce The Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Argument of using Nuclear power!? The accident of nuclear power station is serious Such as the Chernobyl disaster May be controlled by careerist to develop nuclear weapon 1.nuclear warhead 2.nuclear-armed missile Environmental impacts of nuclear power are damaged by 1.Uranium mining which is radioactive effluent emission 2.waste heat.
Pros & Cons of nuclear power Can reduce global warming when produce a great amount of energy Very expensive The wastes are harmful Is serious that the nuclear plant have any accidents
The useful energy in future We think Biogas is the most suitable in future - Come from nature - Can be produced a lot by populations raising - Repayment is the greatest - Completely absorb the methane by technique arise - Area of wastes occupied will decrease
Disadvantage of develop alternative fuels Excess resources for testing and producing station Less range of uses than petroleum Efficiency is low Usually, need a lot of technology to support Some are dangerous to produce or Difficult to handle( Methane )
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