What does ‘technology’ mean to you? In how many different ways is technology present in your life? How different would our lives be without modern technology? Does technology ever stress you out?
Can you define the terms below? computerphobe computer geek computer savvy
Match the terms to their definitions computerphobe a person who is very skilled with computers computer geek an enthusiast or expert in computers computer savvy a person who experiences anxiety about computers and how to use them
Check your answers: computerphobe computer geek computer savvy a person who experiences anxiety about computers and how to use them computerphobe computer geek an enthusiast or expert in computers computer savvy a person who is very skilled with computers
Do any of these terms describe your relationship with computers? computerphobe computer geek computer savvy Do you have any friends or colleagues who you would describe like this? Are you happy with what you know about computers? Are there any specific skills you would like to brush up on?
Do you remember the first time you used a computer? What was it like? Do you use any technological resources to help you learn English? In what ways might life have been better before we had so many gadgets?
In your opinion, what are the five greatest inventions of all time? Why do you think they are so important?
Can you guess the inventions and discoveries represented in the pictures below?
Check your guesses
What have these inventions enabled us to do? Which of them do you consider the most important? Could you live without any of them? What inventions or discoveries would you like to see in the future?
Do you agree with the statements below? Technology is turning people into machines. All the technology we have at our fingertips makes the new generations too lazy. Discussion Technology should benefit everybody, not only those who can afford expensive smartphones
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