MY PROFILE Biddut Khoshnobish Assistant Teacher Sristy Residential School Tangail Cell:
English For Today Class IX-X Subject
Unit: Eleven Renewable Energy
Learning Outcomes During discussion we will learn about: EEnergy FFossil FFossil Fuels NNon-renewable energy RRenewable energy MMain sources of renewable energy DDefinitions of some terms used in the text After discussion we will have: SSynonyms QQuestions & Answers GGroup Work HHome Task AA video clip of volcanic eruption
Prehistoric World Was full of plants/trees
Fossil Fuels Oil Gas Coal
Fossil Fuels
What is energy? Energy helps us do things.
Sources of Renewable Energy
R a i n
Hydrogen Energy
The earth is hot Geyser
How can we use those sources of renewable energy? Now starts group work. Think 5 minutes. Group leaders will tell the ways we can follow to use the sources.
Solar Panel
Wind Turbine
Hydro Electricity
Geothermal heating
Questions & Answers: 1.What do you mean by fossil fuels? 2. Why are the fossil fuels thought to be big problems? 3. What do you mean by renewable energy? Ans: Petroleum, coal and natural gas are called fossil fuels because they have been produced from plants and trees for millions of years. Ans: Fossil fuels are thought to be big problems mainly for three reasons. First, fossil fuels are limited and will run out. Secondly, they are expensive and damaging for the environment. Thirdly, they directly cause global warming. Ans: Some energy sources are constantly and naturally replenished. As a result they will never run out. These are called renewable energy.
Questions & Answers 4. “Bio-energy” & “Geothermal energy”– do these two terms seem new to you? If yes, what have you learnt about them? Ans: Yes, they are new to me. I have learnt that plants and trees produce waste or wood which can be turned into fuel. They are called biomass. The interior of the earth contains lava with extreme heat. This heat produces steam and hot water which is called geothermal energy. 5. What are the major differences of non-renewable and renewable energy sources? Ans: Non-renewable energy sources are expensive, damaging and will run out eventually. On the other hand, renewable energy sources are eco-friendly and will never run out.
Information Transfer Petroleum, coal, gas Sun light, wind, rain, biomass, earth’ heat Damaging, polluting Eco-friendly Will run outWill never run out
Synonyms WordsSynonyms FossilOrganic remains, skeleton, deposit ReplenishRenew, recreate, refill FiniteLimited, fixed ConstantRegular, nonstop, steadfast, continual EventualUltimate, final InteriorInside, inner SourceOrigin, root DownhillDownward, falling, dropping AbundantPlentiful, sufficient, rich
Home Task Write a summary of the passage in about 100 words.