Wai Sherman Wang Haifeng Williams Liz
Problem Definition Canada is insecure in terms of economy and supply because of dependency on foreign energy imports Canada domestic energy supply does not currently meet its regional energy needs because of a lack of coordination between provinces and the federal government Canada is failing to address climate change because of a lack of federal leadership and coordination on targets and policy Canada is failing to address climate change because of an over-reliance on fossil fuels and a lack of investment and innovation in renewable energy technologies
Issues for negotiation Our position Oil sands expansion & market access (pipelines) Counteracts reduction of national GHG emissions In competition with our interests to meet the energy needs of Atlantic Canada (jobs & economy in NL) Climate policy (targets & instruments) 2025 target of 26-28% GHG reductions relative to 2005 levels 80% reduction by 2050 National policy of hybrid carbon tax/cap & trade Set energy-efficiency targets for the private sector Renewables100% reliance on low-carbon electricity by 2035 Federal financing of infrastructure to increase supply of hydro and wind energy Redirect federal subsidies from oil & gas sector to renewables (including R&D)
Newfoundland & Labrador – Energy Production
Newfoundland & Labrador - Resources OIL: 115,000 – 270,000 barrels/day, primarily export to Europe Offshore. Recent international interest NATURAL GAS: Offshore potential: 479 million barrels NG liquids &10.86 trillion cubic feet NG Proposals for fracking, but current moratorium WIND: 51 MW Potential 5,000 MW HYDRO: 5,429 MW (3,000+ in development) Potential 98% non-GHG electricity to NL, & 40% Atlantic Canada WORKFORCE: 11.9% (6.9% Cdn avg) unemployment (fisheries collapse) Workers in tar sands ENERGY POTENTIAL: wave/tidal, wood, peat, methane capture (landfills) Photo: arounddeglobe.com