OSH in the Green Economy
Definition United Nations Environmental Programme/ILO defines a green job as ¨work in agriculture; industry services and administration that contributes to preserving or restoring the quality of the environment. In the context of OSH, the hazards are not unique. The green economy is characterized by a number of factors that need consideration from an OSH perspective: – New technologies used in existing sectors – Speed of growth – New industries or workers entering the workforce – Scale of production and structures – Balance in small businesses – Growing use of contracted work
Key sectors Renewable energy – Wind, solar, and biomass – Future: wave and tidal Waste management – Recycling-may be biggest and also has significant changes – Composting – Reuse – Reclamation – Transport in waste management Energy efficient buildings Country dependent – Environmental constraints – Policies influence the growth-need to contact sectors in each country to understand growth
Risk Management Approach Apply traditional approaches to risk management in green industries – Comprehensive and meaningful risk assessment – Prevention through design Integrate OSH and environmental risks through management systems approach Promote information and awareness – Taking into account existing sectors where it is applied – In format that is effective; comprehensive; specific; and job related – SME; micro; subcontractors
Regulation and Legislation Regulatory frameworks exist and there is no need for special regulations, however, need to monitor as new elements emerge Need education and awareness about regulations Need to implement policies
Outcome The group acknowledged the strength of the EU risk assessment process and recommend that it be adopted in the US to effectively tackle the OSH challenges in the green economy Future collaboration in developing tools and guidance for addressing hazards in the green economy with consideration on improving knowledge and responsibilities Strengthen relationship and approaches Future collaboration for collecting and sharing data