N 2 -Africa Project: Scaling out and Sustainability through Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) Edward Baars N2Africa Ethiopia Launch Workshop 27-28 February.


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Presentation transcript:

N 2 -Africa Project: Scaling out and Sustainability through Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) Edward Baars N2Africa Ethiopia Launch Workshop February 2014

The project will put a major emphasis on: 1)Institutionalizing N2Africa technologies, approaches, and expertise; 2)Fostering long-term sustainability of:  seed, inoculant, and fertilizer supply chains;  access to profitable legume markets;  knowledge transfer.

Countries and Sectors

Theory of Change Challenges: – Lack of effective (profitable, predictable) legume input supply, imperfections in the output market chains. Activities: – Establish Public Private Partnerships (PPPs); – Establish inoculant production facilitates; – Facilitate agro-dealer investment in target areas. Achievements: – Improved farmer access to seed systems, inoculants and legume fertilizers; – Improved linkage of farmers to local and international legume markets; – Efficient post harvest practices, technologies, value added products & enterprises benefitting women. Leads to – Women and men farmers regularly using inputs within sustainable rotations; – Increased and stable income from crop sales.

Main Activities 1)Identify and approach key actors in the private sector; 2)Facilitate the development of PPP agreements that drive the market strategies; 3)Convene review meetings to update strategies & workplans based on developing market dynamics;

Specific Activities 1)Analyze the current state of input production & marketing; Pre-feasibility analysis 2)Identify existing partnerships and initiatives in the agricultural input and output sector; 3)Identify business opportunities and partnerships with farmers, traders, input dealers, processors, exporters, financial institutions etc. interested in quality legume input and outputs marketing; 4)Establish relationships with prospective private sector partners and stakeholders (public sector) that lead to PPP agreements; 5)Identify opportunities for fund raising (i.e. Donors, AECF) and assist in applying for grants for business development;

Successful PPPs Sesame SomaliaRice Somalia

DADTCO An Alliance of IFDC, UNDP, AGRA and IIAM Cassava Input SupplyCassava Processing

Cluster Partners Uganda 9 Commodity: VC Actor: SesameSorghumSoya Bean Processor & Contract Buyer Finance Inputs Seed Fertilizer & CPP Equipment Various BoP processors and blenders Ledlet, ADVANTA Export Trading, Capital Reef UNO/Hakkan, SHARES! and Bruce Robertson, Ruby Trading Naseco and NARO Various BoP processors and blenders

Cluster Partners Kenya 10 Commodity: VC Actor: Irish PotatoesRiceSorghum Spices (ABEC and Paprika) Processor & Contract Buyer Farmer Group Finance Inputs Seed Fertilizer & CPP Equipment Midlands Ltd., VegPro Group East African Maltings Limited Capwell Ltd. Mugombe Multipurpose Cooperative Society Midlands Ltd.Baobab Ltd & MIAD Various Leldet Ltd.Livatty Netherlands Export Trading Ltd. Nyanza Engineering and Hardware