Welcome to the New Buyer Leads Agent Presentation This presentation is divided into three sections
Sections Section one; the Front End (Consumer area) Section two; the Agent Back End Section four; Pricing and Advertising
The Front End/Consumer View It is estimated that close to 90% of home buyers currently use the internet as a starting place for buying a property. With the New Buyer Leads Program your agents will be able to attract buyers, gain information about them, respond immediately to them, and stay in contact with them without lifting a finger.
A searching consumer will land on a similar page to this one Link to actual site Click hereClick here
Once the consumer clicks the detail button this is what they see Please note the address is not showing. Agents have the ability to turn this feature on or off.
Now it’s time to go back to the Test Site Spend a moment checking out the information. Remember agents can turn addresses on or off. Did you check the Full Map View? Did you check the Mortgage Calculator? So now the consumer is pretty impressed! All the information they want. A foreclosure only search, Alerts will them new listings that fit their search. They can save listings. By now they are in a WOW state of mind. BUT OH NO LOOK WHAT HAPPENS
You guessed it! A quick and easy sign up. Will they? Most will because they have seen value before the sign up. Some will give a lot of information, some little, some bad addresses but…as long as THEY can get back on; YOU ARE THEIR LINK.
Getting back on the site is easy Once the sign up is complete the consumer is immediately sent a Welcome Letter Getting back on the site is a snap. We’re not a bank so we freely send out forgotten passwords. Should the consumer land on the site and forget the agent they were dealing with, not a problem. Stored cookies direct them to the right agent.
The Front End Pages Landing Page Buy Page; similar to the Landing Page Sell Page Finance Page Move Page Meet Page Statistics show that consumers go to a Real Estate site to SEARCH FOR PROPERTY. For the most part they don’t care about anything else.
The Buy Page You decide what the write up is! Keep in mind no one reads it.
The Sell Page We go out of our way to distance our agents from the number that appears! It’s always too low for the consumer! You will have people cruise this site to see what a neighbors place is listed for; so be prepared to pick up the occasional listing.
The Finance Page
The Move Page There is a lot if information here. Try it on the test site. Click HereClick Here
The Meet Page You can load up the agents page with just about anything you want. But again; very few consumers read it.
When A Client Sets up for Alerts They Receive in their new updates
When Someone New Signs Up The Agent Receives
Agent Back End This section is the MONEY Maker It’s basically an Agent Control Panel And a Contact Management System
The sign in page
What Agents see when Signed In Top left; webmail; new leads, not signed in visitors will appear here. Top; Go on Vacation Leads; each lead should be placed in one of these categories for ease of follow up.
Basic Information The agent can add their address and be notified via when a new lead sign up. Agent Craigs List tool. More later in the Broker section on this.
Monthly and Historical Lead Count Each Agent should receive between 10 and 20 leads per month depending on factors.
Click on a category This will show individual leads, their current zip code, average price of search, how many saved, how many viewed, last time on site, True means they are also sellers, the agent can transfer to another agent in the system, launch an from here or change the category they belong in.
Click on a name Click on a name and you see where and what the client was looking at. Click on the actual Location town and the property will appear. And again you can send an from here.
Add a reminder If your agent wishes to get back or follow up with someone on a specific day; just add a reminder. When the day and time comes it will appear on the log in page.
Allow Addresses to show? Bottom left; allow addresses to show for individual clients.
Ability to Search the MLS Create links for advertising or campaigns
Advertise This allows the agent to advertise listings. Pick a property, set up the search, write a brief ad copy and; any agents clients who have searched for something similar will be sent a special with this one property. It’s a great way for agents with listings to get them to almost everyone.
View all of the office listings Click one of the pictures (See next slide)
Detail of Property AND One click from; Mapping the address Printing a flyer Adding to an Viewing school information
General; What you want your website to say. Also you can set up your two week, one month and three month automated s.
Mortgage Reserved for Future Use Planned usage; If you wish to have a mortgage broker pay for advertising on this site.
Craigs List Tool Drum up some easy leads! Open your CraigsList account and simply copy and paste the Posting Description. Click Done Posting and you know the last time a property was posted. THESE ARE YOUR OFFICE LISTINGS ONLY
Summary So Far You will have a way to capture leads You have control over the usage of your site Individual Agents can have their own site to advertise. Ssomeone.yoursitename.com Agents will have an independent address
Who This Site Will Work For Any Agent in any town in the USA Agents that do both sales and rentals do extremely well Agents that are comfortable working online leads Agents that understand that today’s lookers are tomorrow’s buyers.
The Pricing Recommended; Advertise to insure you receive 10 to 30 leads per month Recommended; Use the CraigsList Tool. Five ads per day will get you in excess of 100 leads per month Recommended; Please understand that one rental per month will cover your cost. Likely Results; 1 to 4% of the leads will convert to sales 15 to 30% of rental leads will result in leases/sales Results will differ by area and what your board allows such as showing foreclosures etc.
Costs Initial set up fee; $ Contract period; one year Monthly fee; $ Protected Area; One Agent per Association Other fees; if your Association or Provider Service has a fee, it is your responsibility to pay it. Support; we have never had a site problem not corrected within hours! Advertising; You most probably can do nicely just running CraigsList ads (And other free posting sites) However we recommend online advertising such as Google AdWords etc. Any online ads we can do for you or you may arrange them yourself. Decide on an advertisings budget and we’ll get you the best possible return on your money! We will constantly update features and welcome any suggestions.
Advertising When the consumer selects the data for a search this page is displayed Please note the html line at the top. Simply copy and paste this line to any of your online ads or specific pages you may build for listings.
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