My43 a journey to transform learning and work in Coquitlam School District Microsoft CLC 2007 Brian Kuhn, Manager of Information Services James McConville,


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Presentation transcript:

my43 a journey to transform learning and work in Coquitlam School District Microsoft CLC 2007 Brian Kuhn, Manager of Information Services James McConville, Coordinator of Educational Technology Chris Kennedy, Principal of Riverside Secondary School (1400 students) “convergence & coherence ”

30,000 students 50 elementary, 13 middle, 8 secondary schools 4000 employees 5 communities

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future Vision Equitable Access Staff Development Learning Exemplars Learning, teaching and leading is enhanced through effective and meaningful use of technology Achieving 1:1 access through investing in core infrastructure and extending access to all learners Three stages for staff readiness: -preparing -exploring -transforming Shifting from the tools themselves to capabilities of the tools to do new things Innovations allow the district to learn what has the most impact on learning

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future District Context gone crazy! Paper jungle! Disparate Information Systems

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future In the beginning… Sharepoint in Fall 2003 Committees Technology Early Adopter Educators RESISTANCE! It’s a business tool…

The WAVE (Employee) In the beginning… CADS News Calendars Forms Documents Portals Leaves Discussions Subscriptions

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future Sharepoint goes viral… Migration Challenge! Dependenc y Fragmented

Learning Portal Anytime, anywhere learning… Audio Video Pictures Tracking Writing Workflow E-Portfolio Lessons Resources Instant Msg BLOG Wiki

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future What is this project really about? Creating a Connected Professional Learning Community Creating an Efficient and Seamlessly Integrated Work Centre ParentCommunication Digital 21st CenturyLearning

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future Fragmentation or coherence? Discreet solutions and integrate? A technology decision or ? Curriculum Technology School leaders Intranet Portfolio Learning Portal Evolution or Wholesale change?

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future A Learning Organization A learning organization: “an organization that is continually expanding its capacity to create it’s future…for learning organizations, ‘adaptive learning’ is joined by ‘generative learning,’ learning that enhances our capacity to create. Peter Senge 1990, The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future

Professional Learning Communities “… a group of teachers who meet regularly as a team to identify essential and valued student learning, develop common formative assessments, analyze current levels of achievement, set achievement goals, share strategies, and then create lessons to improve upon those levels.” (The School Administrator 2004 vol. 61, issue 10, pp , Schmoker 2004)

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future Professional Learning Communities “Educators who are building a professional learning community recognize that they must work together to achieve their collective purpose of learning for all.” (DuFour 2005) “Despite compelling evidence indicating that working collaboratively represents best practice, teachers in many schools continue to work in isolation.” (DuFour 2005)

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future Learners Understanding the world of the 21st century learner From using the tools… to the capabilities of the tools to empower learning Listen to the 21 st century learner

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future

School Context – Fall 2004 Print newsletters Innovation? Little coherence with technology in the building A feeling like we were falling behind Teachers creating a variety of websites using a range of tools

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future School Context – Spring 2007 Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them Tablets Teacher Sites New standard Every classroom! People want to stay out front

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future School Context – Where Next? Desperate move to Sharepoint 2007 Want to connect to others Move discussion from technology to teaching and learning Move to a 1-1 environment

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future A comment from the field… “this plan will allow us to not only do what we do now better but reshape what we do – I think this is an important distinction – this investment is not about sustaining, it is about rethinking and reshaping our jobs and will allow us to better deploy resources into the classroom”

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future

What is a portal, really? A software application designed to integrate information, applications, and processes across organizational boundaries and to provide personalized capabilities to visitors Portals are designed to work on different computers and aggregate content and services from multiple sources Imagine the possibilities… …key integrating technology

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future my43 is… Intranet my site Schools What’s in a name? “my” “43”

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future ePortfolio Learning Repository News Calendar mySite Alerts School and Classroom sites Department sites CADS Learning Sandbox Portal Discussion Documents Postings Search Spring ’07 Pioneering

Microsoft Sharepoint + Solutions IT Scholaris + Microsoft Exchange + Microsoft Live Communications = Our Portal Environment

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future my43 Intranet

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future

Secondary English Teacher

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future Elementary School

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future Elementary Teacher

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future my43 my site

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future my site Blog

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future Learning requires active participation of the student People learn in a variety of ways and at different rates Learning is both an individual and a group process Principles of Learning… my43 Schools

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future

Where to next? June 07 Early adopters of Scholaris (my43 Schools) September 07 Secondary school implementation begins and all students on Outlook / Exchange Fall 07 Migration from WSS 03 to Virtual Classrooms / School portals and my site implementation begins; begin use of Office Communicator Spring 08 Middle school implementation begins Fall 08 Elementary school implementation begins my43 Intranet will evolve with eLeaves, eForms, calendars, resource booking, communication tools, etc., and district department full transition

my43 is a virtual community that transforms the learning and work in our School District to prepare students for the future Coherence! Intranet my site Schools