Principal’s Nominee & Assessment Leader Seminar 2014
Key Ideas Supporting authenticity Effective communication Updates
Authenticity Why do students present inauthentic work? In what ways do they do this? What does authentic work look like? What is your school’s process for managing authenticity? Prevention Detection Investigation Rationale Outcomes
Authenticity - Plagiarism How could you prevent plagiarism? How could you detect plagiarism? Prevention Detection Investigation Rationale Outcomes Plagiarism
Authenticity – Other issues Prevention Detection Investigation Rationale Outcomes Prevention Detection Investigation Rationale Outcomes Undue help Teacher practice Assessment from public sources Prevention Detection Investigation Rationale Outcomes Teacher practice
Authenticity: Investigation & outcomes How does the NZQA breaches information match with practice in your school? Expectations Principles Process Outcomes
Fees and Financial Assistance for 2013 A2013/ Apr 2013 TO: Principal NB: 2013 information only Principal's Nominee Data Manager Finance Manager Fees and Financial Assistance for 2013 Schools are requested to set collection and processing dates for fees and financial assistance to meet the deadlines in this circular. The due date for payment to NZQA of all fees collected by schools from fee-payers is 13 September A circular detailing the processes for payment of these fees will be sent later in the year. A late fee of $50 will be applied to all fees not paid by 1 December As in 2012 NZQA will write to students advising them of unpaid fees in late 2013 Fees for domestic candidatesFee Entry for all NZQF standards and up to 3 Scholarship subjects $76.70 Additional Scholarship entries$76.70 per subject Fees for international fee-paying candidates Fee Entry for all NZQF standards$ Entry for each Scholarship subject$ per subject
Effective communication What is effective communication? For any issue… Why? To whom? How? When? How will you determine effective communication? What next?
Updates Vocational Pathways Te Marautanga o Aotearoa External moderation Special Assessment Conditions Ordering Documents from Learner Login Various
Vocational Pathways Award Vocational Pathways is an award on the Record of Achievement at NCEA Level 2 –providing a framework for vocational options –supporting programme design and careers advice –improving links between education and employment Five sectors: –Manufacturing and Technology –Construction and Infrastructure –Primary Industries –Social and Community Services –Services Industries –(Creative Industries - under development) See also
Vocational Pathways: Level 2 credits PathwayRecommendedSector Related Achievement Standards Unit Standards Achievement Standards Unit Standards Construction & Infrastructure NumerousSufficient Numerous Manufacturing & Technology NumerousSufficient Numerous Primary Industries Numerous SufficientNumerous Services Industries NumerousSufficientInsufficient*Numerous Social & Community Services Numerous SufficientNumerous * Insufficient could be managed through; a partnership with an external provider; an extension to base scope consent.
Vocational Pathways: Directory of Assessment Standards Achievement Standards RECOMMENDED (UP TO 40) NUM SECTOR RELATED (20) LIT
Vocational Profile
Te Marautanga o Aotearoa The national curriculum for Māori medium in Pāngarau, Pūtaiao, Hangarau, Hauora, Ngā Toi, Te Reo Māori (Te Reo Rangatira) and Tikanga ā-Iwi Level 1 achievement standards registered December 2013 for use from 2014 Level 1 standards and resources can be found on the subject pages Teaching and Learning Guides will be progressively available:
Te Marautanga o Aotearoa Māori medium PLD support will be provided for NCEA Level 1 in details on TMoA website Contact the Ministry of Education helpline or your local Ministry office Developers and writers for assessment materials are required - contact
External moderation processes Student evidence is stored assessment of each internal standard assessed Standard 1Standard 2Standard 3Standard 4Standard 5Standard 6Standard 7Standard 8Standard 9 Standard 10Standard 11Standard 12Standard 13Standard 14Standard 15Standard 16Standard 17 School check selection: Standard 1Standard 5Standard 8Standard 9 Standard 13Standard 14Standard 16 National systems check selection: Standard 2Standard 6 Standard 16
External Moderation Updates for 2014 Moderation reports are on line and will not be printed unless requested – Schools/departments may print them from the school Login Please advise us in advance if material is to be submitted in Te Reo Māori Please send USB drives in an envelope/bag inside the courier bag The random selection should be done only from those students who submitted work Appeals now go straight to Secondary Moderation – see and-teachers/forms/ and-teachers/forms/
Schools can submit moderation on line Moderators must be able to access the materials without the need for a username or password Use any suitable platform eg MyPortfolio, Google Drive, DropBox Sharing generates a ‘secret’ url to submit to Send any questions about this process to this address also
National systems check No change from 2013 In October NZQA randomly selects a sample of standards from all results reported PNs are told of standards selected in Week 5 of Term 4. Schools will send work to moderators by 3 December NZQA reports on the national agreement rate for the level Work is returned with a report on grade agreements The national agreement rate is published in NZQA’s annual report in July
Special Assessment Conditions Thank you for your patience and skill in managing 2013 SACs Applications for 2014 will be made using the SAC2014 tool you registered for in December It is still possible to register Key dates: –10 April: applications for entitlement to a SAC close –15 May: final date to appeal entitlements –1 July: facility to attach SACs to externals opens –End-July: Check August file holds all external entries for SAC candidates –25 August: facility to attach SACs to externals closes
Ordering Documents from Learner Login Students should not pay for any documents ordered on their Login unless they have already received their free copy for the year When NZQA checks for NCEA in January we also check for some other school-related qualifications. If one appears on Login, the student may order a free copy They should not order a certificate until it shows on Login Complete list of school-related qualifications: standards/qualifications/other- school-qualifications/list/ standards/qualifications/other- school-qualifications/list/ Does your school need to review – or publicise – how internet access is accessible to students who do not have it at home?
Calculus Statistics Mathematics UE Approved Subjects: Mathematics, Science & Technology (listed NCEA Level 3 achievement standards only – see S2012/022) Science Biology Chemistry Physics Earth & Space Science Also Generic Technology, Construction and Mechanical Technology, DVC, Digital Technology & Processing Technology NB: The new UE requirements apply from 1 March Science
Various NCEA L3 now needs Level 1 literacy and numeracy Approved calculator list (applies to internals also) – see Assessment and Examination Rules and A2013/021 NB: Competent staff must be available to clear calculators for exams Emergency grades – see A2013/028 – if you submit a grade for a practice external assessment, it must be quality-assured as a derived grade Subject Facebook pages are now available – enter “ NZQA” in Facebook search and like it – see A 2013/013 – questions to