Internationalising Learning at Newport Free Grammar School Mark Norman & Sarah Switzer
What we’d like to share… What we planned in November What we’ve managed to achieve How we intend to expand our work
Our intentions in November… Internationalising starters in lessons Use of morning registration Use of bus queue Use of new technology
Starters - Mark
Starters - Sarah
Students’ work…
Reflection… Observed starter activities only – easier to manage but still difficult to coordinate Gave feedback within 24 hours – verbal and via Useful to consider how to bring global issues into English teaching Useful to have non-judgemental feedback
Morning registration…
Use of bus queue…
Linking it all together with the blog…
Reflection… Wasted time reduced Foster discussion and gives a focus – appreciated by staff and students Whole school looking at same thing Phased introduction and reminders given to staff Students interested by QR codes Further development needed as not all staff using Students need to be encouraged to leave comments
What we’d like to do next… Mark and Sarah are now compiling a bank of starter ideas for their colleagues across the school. What would you add?