Digital Logic Design Sequential circuits Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian
Outlines Finite State Machine (FSM) Design of FSMs Analysis of FSMs Registers Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian
Design of Sequential Circuits The procedure of designing synchronous sequential circuits can be summarized as follows: From the word description and specs of the desired operation, derive a state diagram for the circuit Assign binary values to the states. Obtain the binary-coded state table Choose the type of flip-flops to be used. Derive the simplified flip-flop input and output equations. Draw the logic diagram. Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian
State tables Table is another way to represent an FSM with an emphasis on exploring all Event/State combinations Similar to the truth table Doesn’t contain the system clock when specifying its transitions (it is implicit that transitions occur only when allowed by clock) Unless different stated, all the transitions are occurring on the positive edge of the clock Present State Inputs Next State Outputs Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian
State Transition Diagrams Used to visually represent any FSM Emphasis is on identifying states and possible transitions Circles represent States Arrows represent Transitions Transitions 1/0 Initial State S0 S1 Input/Output 0/0 0/0 1/0 0/0 S3 1/1 S2 State Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian
Design Example Design a FSM that detects 3 or more consecutive ones from a serial input x. 3 ones detector Y X Steps: 1. Understand the statement of the Specification 2. Obtain a state diagram of the FSM from the specification 3. Perform state assignment 4. Determine the number of flip flop (to represent 4 states => 2 flip flops) 5. Choose type of flip-flop if not given (for example we will choose D-FF) Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian
Our system will stop at S0 if the input to the system is always ‘0’ 1. Derive state diagram S0 00 1/0 S1 01 0/0 Input/Output We will begin with assumption that no input entered to system, we will give this state name S0 Our system will stop at S0 if the input to the system is always ‘0’ If the system has ‘1’ input a new states created which represent the state that you have only 1 we will call it S1 Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian
0/0 0/0 S0 00 1/0 S1 01 1/0 S2 10 0/0 0/0 1/1 S3 11 1/1 If the system was in state S1 and a ‘0’ entered the system, it must be returned to S0 as we are searching for 3 consecutive ones. Else if another ‘1’ entered the system it will go to new state that represent existing of two ones consecutive we will call it S2. If the system was in state S2 and ‘0’ entered the system it will return to S0. Else if ‘1’ entered to the system it will move to a new state that represent the existing of three consecutive ones S3 and the output would be equal to y=‘1’. If the system has more ones as an input it will continue at S3 and output y=‘1’ Finally, if we have input X=‘0’ to the system, it will goes to the starting state S0 Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian
2. Construct the state table Present State Input Next State Out FF Inputs A B X y DA DB 1 D–FF Excitation Table Q(t) Q(t+1) D 1 Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian
3. Drive simplified State Equations Note: Output here depends on the present state (A(t)) and input (x) Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian
4: Implement the FSM Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian
FSM Circuit Analysis Start with schematic diagram Need to determine how circuit works Trace schematic, determine equations of operation FF input equations sequential circuit output equations Create State transition table Sequential circuit inputs, FFs are comb. logic inputs Organize truth table as current state (FFs) and inputs Create FF input, seq. Circuit output columns From FF char. Tables, determine FF next state values Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian
Sequential Circuit Analysis (cont.) Generate State Diagram Circles (nodes) represent current or present state values Lines (arcs) represent how state and output values change Given the current state and current inputs, the next state and output values are indicated by the associated arc State diagram can have different forms depending on the type of sequential circuit output. Next State Value Inputs/outputs Present State Value Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian
Example Analyze the following sequential circuit How to analyze any sequential circuit You need to know : State equation State diagram State table Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian
1- Determine State equation From the circuit get the logic equations of the input of flip-flops A(t+1) & B(t+1) and output y(t) A(t+1) (t) FF input equations A(t+1) = A(t)X(t)+B(t)X(t) B(t+1) = A’(t)X(t) Output equation Y(t) = X’(t)(B(t)+A(t)) B(t+1) (t) (t) Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian
2-Create State table From logic equation & characteristics table of flip-flop create State table FF input equations A(t+1) = AX+BX B(t+1) = A’X Output equation Y = X’(B+A) D flip-flop characteristic table Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian
3-Construct the state diagram 0/0 1/0 0/1 00 10 Input/Output 0/1 1/0 0/1 1/0 01 11 1/0 Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian
Registers There are also another applications for Flip-flops like Registers “Register” is a small amount of storage available on the CPU whose contents can be accessed more quickly than storage available elsewhere. Typically, this specialized storage is not considered part of the normal memory range for the machine. Registers are normally measured by the number of bits they can hold (ex. 8-bits or 32-bits register) They have been implemented using individual flip-flops Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian
What’s the main structure of the register from inside What’s the main structure of the register from inside? And what’s the types of registers? Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian
Registers An n-bit register consists of a group n flip -flops capable of storing n bits of binary info. All Flip-flops are connected to one clock source Each flip-flop can store one bit of Info. Clear signal during normal operation is set to high The clear input is useful for clearing all the content of the register to all 0’s Problem: Typically don’t want to load every clock Solution: use a external signal to control the operation of the load Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian
Registers with Parallel Load 1 1 1 Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian
Shift Registers 1 Qb Qc Qa A register capable of shifting its binary information in one or both direction is called a shift register A chain of flip-flops in cascade 1 Qb Qc Qa SI CLK Qa Qb etc Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian
Universal Shift Registers No Change Shift Right Shift Left Parallel Load Need a Clear and Clock S1 S2 Action No Change 1 Shift Right Shift Left Parallel Load Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian
Quiz 2 check the website for date and locations Assignment 3 on the web site deadline will be next Wednesday Dr. Eng. Ahmed H. Madian